My Heart, My Hero | Teen Ink

My Heart, My Hero

September 8, 2014
By AMM510143 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
AMM510143 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Donnie once said to me “ You're the best thing the world could offer.” I believe the same about him. There is an endless list of reasons why; but to sum up that list, I believe Donnie is the best thing the world could offer because Donnie is the most amazing person I know. He is considerate, funny, caring, hard working and most importantly he is my hero.

A considerate person is someone who shows a careful thought. That is exactly who Donnie is. Whenever he plans to spend time with me or his friends or family, he always asks


“ What do you want to do?” or “ Is this okay with you?” There should be a balance between thinking about yourself and thinking about others.  By asking others opinions but also keeping his-self in mind, Donnie has that balance that sometimes may even lean more into thinking of others.  Also while spending time with others, Donnie likes to avoid using his phone. He considers being on his phone “rude and unfair” to the people he is with. To me these are just a few reasons why he is considerate.


Donnie is the funniest person I know. He can make anyone laugh without saying a word. There are times we are in conversation and I don't understand what  he said or I didn't hear him so I say “ what?” and his reply will 99% of the time be “ever.” His humor doesn't end there, while eating lunch at school or eating dinner with our families, Donnie will sometimes say

“ You have some Updog on your chin.” This is because he hopes the person will reply

“ What's updog?” which will then allow him to say “ Not much how about you.” And that always gets us laughing. But if Updog doesn't work then he will say, “ You have something on your shirt,” and he will start pointing and looking at your shirt.  Once you look down to see what it is that is on your shirt he will bring his finger up across your face and start laughing because there wasn't really anything on your shirt. Another reason why Donnie keeps me smiling is when I'm trying to keep a straight face but I end up smiling and he says “ This is a serious moment, don't laugh, you can't laugh Anjelika,” knowing I'm trying to be serious. And of course I end up laughing. And just one more of the endless reasons I am so humored by Donnie is because there are times I doubt myself. For example, I once said to him

“ I dont know if I will make the basketball team.” and instead of him just saying

“ Yes you will,” he starts to tickle me until I say “ I will make the basketball team.”

There is not one dull moment with Donnie. He always keeps a smile on my face.


To display kindness and concern for others also known as being caring, is not a character trait everyone has. However,  Donnie is very caring. The times when I am upset  Donnie will know and he’ll ask, “ What's wrong?” And like many people I have a tendency of saying “ Nothing, im fine.” But being the caring person he is, Donnie will talk to me until the problem is solved and I am feeling better. To make sure everything is okay he will make me pinkie promise him. Pinkie Promises may seem like such a simple gesture but to Donnie ( and I ) they mean a lot because they let him know that there is nothing to worry about and that everything is okay. Donnie is always there when I need him or his friends or family do. Whether its his mom asking for him to fill up the gas in the car or his friends ask him for a ride or its me asking him to get me cheese-its, he will always do it. This is why Donnie is the most caring person I have ever met.


Donnie is the most hardworking person out there. When it comes to soccer or school, he is committed and always does his best. And when I say hardworking I really mean it; soccer practice almost everyday, soccer games at least once a week, maintaining a 3.7 GPA or higher, doing homework, studying for tests, and so much more. And throughout all of his commitments he never gets discouraged. Due to all his hard work, he inspires everybody around him to do the same.


These are only a few of the endless reasons why Donnie Kvien not only amazes me, but

                                             also why he will always be my Hero.


The author's comments:

I wrote this because Donnie is someone in my life who inspires me to be the best person I can be. 

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