Changed by a Great Man | Teen Ink

Changed by a Great Man

September 2, 2015
By Anonymous

I recently reached out to a pastor who came to my school last year and spoke about his father, and his life. I cried at his story, and I cried at my own. He inspired me to do good in the world, and helped me get to know Jesus, and accept him as my lord and savior. Last night, I added him on Facebook, and sent him my story, and how he changed my own life. Thank you Terrence Lee Talley!
Here is what I sent him.

"You came to our school last year. What you said about your dad inspired me to feel better about my own dad, who left me ten years ago.. During your speech, I cried... Honestly, I've never been open about my dad, and I never wanted to, but I've been through so much stuff... When I was younger, I never really cared about Jesus, but a couple years ago, I met a boy who changed my life, and gave me Jesus. I studied his lifestyle, and I started going to youth group, when you came to my school, I started to think about my own dad, and everything like that... My story is harsh to tell, for me, and I don't tell a lot of people about it... I've only told three people... And I know that you care, and I want to tell you my story...

When I was born, my mom was with two different guys, and they didn't know who the father was. I ended up getting the last name of the guy she was with after the first guy. Well, I lived with my grandparents and I had to go to his house every other weekend. They broke up, and he took me, and wouldn't give me back to my grandparents. My grandma hired a good lawyer, and they had him take a maternity test to see if he was my real dad, and if he failed, I would be given back to my grandparents, and he wouldn't be able to keep me anymore. He took it, and failed. I had to keep the last name, and I was given back to my parents. Later on, we found out who my real dad was, and he was in and out of my life until I was 6, when he finally left me. That's why I had a lot of problems. And another guy my mom was with when I was a baby beat me.... Also, when I was 6. My mom married a guy, whose name I will not say, one night, I heard yelling from their bedroom, and I looked through the hole in the door, and he was pissed about my mom taking $5 out of his wallet, and he struck her... twice... He went to a place in California, and told my mom that he was okay now, and she went to see him. He was not better, and she divorced him. I'm happy she divorced him. She is now married to my dad, who adopted me. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior. Thank you for changing my life."

The author's comments:

Thanks Terrence Talley!

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