One Word to Describe our Star Spangled Banner | Teen Ink

One Word to Describe our Star Spangled Banner

November 5, 2015
By Natedogg1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Natedogg1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While passing the firehouse, we glimpsed at the American flag whistling in the wind. My mom saw 13 stripes and 50 stars, but I saw a story that will never find an ending. From the birthplace of America in 1776 to this day, I see history written into the fibers of the American Flag.
56 people signing the declaration of Independence. The birthplace of the largest democracy in the world. The mark the U.S. stamped on the world. The philosophy of the rough rider and his big stick ideology that President Roosevelt stated in the Caribbean war with Spain.
Throughout history, our citizens have put their stamp on the American Flag like Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States. John F. Kennedy kept his promise to the American people by blasting off Neil Armstrong to the moon and beating the Soviets to the moon was a monumental win for the US.
Most of all, the United States flag represents the sacrifice young soldiers paid for us to live free on Lady Liberty’s soil. They gave their lives to protect our family and friends. They gave us the freedom to choose what we what to do without any limits and let us mold our futures into what we want.
The hundreds of firefighters and police officers signed their name to protect us, and by doing so lost their lives. The lives that were lost on that day are printed in bold writing on the American flag.
The story that the people before us have written now lies on our actions. We can carry the story of the United States for other generations to create a better America. From what my mom has learned and soaked up in her mind from all her years, I think that’s what she saw too.

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