Ulysses S. Grant | Teen Ink

Ulysses S. Grant

May 9, 2016
By Anonymous

On April 27, 1822, Ulysses S. Grant was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio (Simon). He was the the son of Jessie Root Grant and Hannah Simpson ("The White House"). When he was only one year old, his family moved to Georgetown, Ohio ("Ulysses S. Grant"). When he was younger, because he didn't like the idea of working in his father's business, he learned how to  handle horses (Simon).  In 1839, his father arranged a meeting for Ulysses with the  United States Military Academy at West Point, New York ("Ulysses S. Grant"). His father pressured Ulysses to attend this academy ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Even though Ulysses had no interest in going into the military, Ulysses accepted the appointment ("The White House"). He decided to change his name and enroll in the military academy as Ulysses Hiram (Simon).

He became known as U.S. Grant ("Ulysses S. Grant"). U.S. Grant stood for Uncle Sam Grant and his classmates called him Sam (Simon). He entered the academy at only five feet tall (Simon). He grew  another six inches  in the next four years ("Ulysses S. Grant"). A lot of his friends thought he was too sloppy to become a soldier (Simon). Ulysses Grant was ranked 21st in a class of 39 people when he graduated from West Point in 1843 ("The White House"). He  had shown others that he had skills in horsemanship (Simon). He was interested in mathematics, and he sometimes thought of being a teacher of math (Simon). After he graduated, Ulysses Grant was assigned as a  second lieutenant ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He was in the 4th U.S. Infantry, which is located near St. Louis ("Ulysses S. Grant"). While living near St. Louis, he fell in love  and married Julia Boggs Dent (Simon). She was the sister of his roommate at West Point (Simon). 

He was assigned to the forces that fought in the Mexican War ("Ulysses S. Grant"). This war lasted from 1846 to 1848 ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Ulysses showed courage and bravery in battles under the commander General Zachary Taylor ("The White House"). He was  later reassigned to General Winfield Scott’s army ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He was in charge of army supplies, but he wanted to be on the battlefield because of his hunger for action (Simon).

After a four-year engagement, Ulysses and Julia were finally married in 1848 (Simon). Over the next six years, Ulysses Grant and his wife was blessed with four children ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Ulysses Grant was assigned to multiple posts ("Ulysses S. Grant"). In 1852, he was sent to Fort Vancouver (Simon). He missed Julia and his four sons terribly (Simon). He haven't even seen  his newest son which was born earlier in the month ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He became more involved in his father's business ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He began to drink, and he got drunk constantly ("Ulysses S. Grant").

In the summer of 1853, Ulysses Grant got a promotion to become a captain in the army (Simon). With his promotion, he was transferred to Fort Humboldt in California (Simon).  Ulysses Grant was forced to resign from the Army because of his drinking (Simon). After he got kicked out of the army, he moved to  White Haven (Simon). He purchased 80 acres of land to farm (Simon). Farming didn't work out for him, so he ended up working for his father's business (Simon).

When the Civil War began in April 1861, Ulysses had the job of drilling the troops in camp (Simon). Governor Richard Yates asked Ulysses to work in the general’s office (Simon). Governor Yates  promoted him to a colonel of a small group in June 1861 (Simon). Ulysses Grant was appointed brigadier general by Elihu B. Washburne (Simon). He commanded a small group in Missouri for the Union (Simon). In January 1862, Ulysses received permission from General Henry Wager Halleck to start an offensive campaign for the Union (Simon).

Ulysses was promoted to become a major general ("Ulysses S. Grant").  Ulysses stopped an unexpected Confederate attack at Shiloh Church in Tennessee ("The White House"). The Shiloh battle  was April 6th and 7th of 1862 ("The White House").  After the Union lost this battle to the confederate forces,  General Halleck took command over Grant's army ("Ulysses S. Grant"). After a loss to the confederate forces again, Ulysses regained control over his troops ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Because he made major progress on the Mississippi River,  he helped the Union regain control of the area ("The White House").

Ulysses Grant was promoted to lieutenant general in March 1864 ("Ulysses S. Grant"). With his promotion, he was the commander of all of the armies (Simon). He wanted to improve the strength of the army before the battle against General Robert E. Lee ("Ulysses S. Grant"). 

Ulysses Grant’s army outnumbered the Confederate forces by a large amount (Simon). Ulysses Grant was the first general to make progress against the Confederate forces ("Ulysses S. Grant"). In 1866, Ulysses was appointed to the rank of General of the Armies of the United States ("Ulysses S. Grant").

After the Union won the Civil War, Ulysses decided to run for President of the United States as a Republican ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He was running against Horatio Seymour,  a Democratic governor of New York ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He won the close election in 1868 ("Ulysses S. Grant").  Grant’s narrow margin of victory in the popular vote helped him win the election ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Ulysses Grant was the 18th president of the United States and he entered the White House on March 4, 1869 ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He was politically inexperienced and didn't know about workings of the Government ("Ulysses S. Grant"). He was the youngest president to ever be elected  at age 46 ("Ulysses S. Grant"). On March 18, 1869, Ulysses Grant signed his first law (Simon). Ulysses Grant was  persistent but  unsuccessful when the Senate rejected a treaty with the Dominican Republic ("Ulysses S. Grant"). Grant won the reelection easily in 1872 ("The White House"). He defeated Horace Greeley who was  the editor of the New York Tribune (Simon). He easily won the reelection by  800,000 votes (Simon). He controlled 286 of 366 electoral votes ("Ulysses S. Grant").                                                                                     

After he left White House, Ulysses and Julia Grant went on a round-the-world trip in the spring of 1877 (Simon). Ulysses Grant was called the man who saved the United States ("Grant Homepage").When he traveled to England, he met Queen Victoria (Simon). After returning from his trip,  he was diagnosed with cancer ("Grant Homepage"). After his death, he was buried in New York ("Grant Homepage").

Works Cited
"Grant Homepage." Grant Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.
Simon, John Y. "Ulysses S. Grant." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica,
n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.
"Bio.com." Ulysses S. Grant. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.
"Ulysses S. Grant." The White House. The White House, 30 Dec. 2014. Web. 02 May 2016.

The author's comments:

About he saved our country from being two.

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