Thank You, Veterans | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veterans

March 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Wisconsin Army Veteran,


I’d like to start this by saying welcome home and that I honor everything you have done to give me and my family the freedom we have today. I recently watched the Honor Flight movie and it really spoke to me about what you guys did and the sacrifices you had to make and the horrible things you had to go through when you came home after making such sacrifices.

My name is Davis and I’m a junior in high school. At my age, all I can think about is how college is right around the corner. I can’t even imagine how it would have been to be you and enlist into the Army. I respect you grately and you have more courage than most to be able to do that.

Both of my grandpas were in the Vietnam War and they both don’t talk about it much but they have shown me pictures and have said that I was lucky enough to not be in a time period like his. They never talked about what happened when they returned home, but I know their return home and the greetings that the Vietnam Veterans got were horrible and disrespectful. Because of them, I have a sense of what you did and it helps me appreciate what you have done. I honor what you guys did and I live my life knowing that all veterans helped allow me to be able to go where I want and to be able to go to school and live in a nice home with my nice family.

I consider all veterans heroes. All veterans are heroes because they all are making the world a safer and more better place by giving us freedom and protecting their homeland. They allow us to live in the world we live in now where we can do what we want, have our own opinions, and have the ability to walk around and know that we are safe. It doesn’t matter the reason of why you chose to join the service because either way it brought you to be doing good and making a contribution to society and I thank you for that.

I thank you for everything you have done and I appreciate it all. Thank you for giving me freedom and helping me have a better life by allowing me to walk in the country I love freely where I have the freedom to say what I want and to do what I want. Thank you and welcome home.

Sincerely, Davis

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