State Fairs Aren't Always Fun... | Teen Ink

State Fairs Aren't Always Fun...

January 5, 2010
By Brianna Schwabe BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Brianna Schwabe BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Funnel cakes. That’s what Stephanee, 18, thinks of when she visits the Wisconsin State Fair. Two years ago, she and her friend had an experience they’re not likely to forget.

When Stephanee was 16, she and her friend Taylor were enjoying their time at the state fair. Until they got hungry. As they approached a food stand, they noticed that the older man working there was bothering a girl working in the stand next door. Stephanee said he was harassing her and saying sexual things. The girl appeared agitated, “like she was ready to attack him,” she said.

“We were thinking, ‘Dude, are you crazy?’” she said. After deciding they wanted a caramel apple, they approached the man and placed their order. When he handed them a funnel cake instead, they told him “This isn’t what we ordered.” Instead of handling the situation calmly, the man began to yell.

“This is EXACTLY what you ordered!” he said. Instead of giving Stephanee and Taylor the caramel apple they wanted, he was making an argument. Out of frustration, the inexorable man began to cuss at them as well.

A security guard spotted a tearful Stephanee and approached the group, as onlookers gawked at the flagrant scene. Once the guard knew what had happened, he addressed the man.

“Dude, are you crazy?” he said. Eventually, Stephanee and Taylor got the caramel apple they wanted. Now they are able to laugh about the situation, referring to the man as “funnel cake man.”

A year later, Stephanee and Taylor went to the state fair again. While they were looking at the animals, they heard a voice behind them.

“Hi girls, remember me?” Funnel cake man.

As soon as they heard the voice, they knew. When they turned around, there he was.

“We got scared and ran back to Taylor’s parents,” Stephanee said.

Today, Stephanee and Taylor use this story to make each other laugh.

“When one of us is being quiet, or seems upset, the other will just say ‘FUNNEL CAKE MAN!’ and neither of us can keep from laughing. It’s one of our favorite jokes.” Stephanee says.


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