U.S. Navy | Teen Ink

U.S. Navy

May 25, 2011
By areale frazier BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
areale frazier BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

U.S.Army hard or not? You can ask Dawn a U.S. army soldier. She has very interesting answers to my questions. Are you interested in going to the U.S. army well you would want to hear this.

How long were you in the army?
I was in the U.S army for 5 years and it felt like forever. We had to work out from sun up to sun down with our sergeants on our departments. But it was worth it and I would do again anytime.

When did you leave or retire from the army?
I left the army in January 1992. I felt it was time for me to go. I had a great time their it was just to hard to juggle all that I had.

What department were you in?
I was in the communication department. I worked on how the soldiers communicated on the field and the generals and sergeants. I am very important because if I wasn’t here they would not be able to talk to each other on the field and communicate about orders and attacks.

Did you meet anybody famous?
I meet General Colin Pow and it was so amazing to see him. I had heard about him but it was so real when I meet him for the first time. Everybody talked about him and it didn’t really mean anything to me till I meet him in the army.

Were you ever in a war?
I was in a war it was operation desert storm. It was a very good war and I handled the communication which will be the walkie talkies and stuff like that. I really don’t like to talk about it.

Did you travel anywhere far?
I was stationed in Europe so that was really far for me. I was mainly in Germany and that’s where I had my first child. So it was really far from where im from South Carolina. Their rules and laws are way different from the ones we have in the U.S.

Did you ever get injured in the process?
No I was pretty healthy and I was strong so I really didn’t get injured. That had us work out so much to get fit and a lot of technique work so it was hard to get injured.

What did you work on in communication?
I worked on satellite systems. I took at lot of classes to learn how to do it but it was worth it and an amazing experience to do what I did. It was hard but you got the hang of it.
Who was your specific leader?
Staff Sergeant Lewis was a amazing leader to work with. He taught me everything I know about communication. We pushed me and made me work for it. He helped me a lot till this day actually.

How old were you when you went to in the army?
I was 18 and the next day was my 19th birthday so I would say 18 going on 19 is when I went to the army. I was pretty young but I knew I could handle it.

What made you decided to get out?
It was tuff for me to do all the military was asking me and to raise a family. So it was either the army or my family and I chose my family. It was a good ride and I loved it but I chose to raise my family because I love them

Thank you Dawn for this interview! Your welcome! This is Areale and good night!


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