Happiness that Flows | Teen Ink

Happiness that Flows

October 16, 2011
By Anonymous

When at school, she’s surrounded by good friends. When at home, she’s surrounded by her loving dogs. In the pool, the only speed she knows is fast. Through challenges, the only way she knows is forward. But no matter where she is or what she does, she always has a smile handy. She is Jordan Guerrero.

Here at Male, she is a junior and has been on the swim team both her freshman and sophomore year. The first time she was on a swim team was in 7th grade. Her neighborhood had its own pool and its staff wanted to start a swim team. Guerrero gave it a chance, joined the team, and has loved the sport ever since.
“My biggest accomplishment was winning at the championships. And it’s really fun when all the neighborhoods come to compete against each other,” says her Guerrero.

After being at the pool, she’s either at home or at the mall. “I am such a shopoholic,” she says. “I don’t know why, but I just love to shop.”
Her dogs are also something she loves. In fact, she plans on being a vet. “Ever since I was ten,” says Guerrero, “I’ve known that I would become a vet.”
The dogs have been a huge part of that decision and of her life. In the interview, she explained how he dogs have taught her how to be patient and how to care for other animals.

She also explained that her inspiration comes from one person: her mother. “My mom is my best friend,” says Guerrero. “She understands me and I tell her everything. She’s the one that taught me to speak my mind”.
Sadly, though, earlier this year in February, her mother was diagnosed with transitional sub kidney cancer. The cancer had to be removed and the chemotherapy made Mrs. Guerrero sick. “But my mom never expressed sadness around me, “says Guerrero. “She’s always been a strong person and that’s what I admire about her.”
The cancer had made Guerrero realize how much her mother means to her. Through the comfort of friends, the cancer has made her a stronger person and brought the mother and daughter closer than before.
This Friday, the Guerrero family will find out whether or not the cancer is gone. With a smile and high hopes, Guerrero says, “My message to those of you who knows someone that is suffering through cancer is to stay strong and think positive.”

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