Interview with 5th Grade Teacher June G. | Teen Ink

Interview with 5th Grade Teacher June G.

April 21, 2008
By Anonymous

June G. had been thinking about becoming a teacher for quite awhile before 9/11, but when the disaster struck, it made her realize that she should stop wasting time and just go for it. She spent about two years finishing her masters degree, and then student taught in district 204 at Builta Elementary. That same school then hired her.

Do you like your job? Why or why not?
I like my job very much. This is because I feel like I make a difference in kid’s lives. A good teacher can help kids believe in their abilities.

What is your favorite part of the school day?
I really like greeting the kids every day at the door by shaking their hands and calling them by name. I also like talking to the class first thing in the morning.

Who is your best-behaved student and how are they well behaved?
All of my kids have their moments when they’re well behaved. And by well behaved, I mean respectful to others, peers and teachers. They show respect by listening to, and helping, each other.

Who is your worst behaved student and how are they ill behaved?
I don’t have a person’s name in mind, but I don’t like it when the kids say intentionally rude things to one another.

What made you want to teach 5th grade?
I knew that I wanted to teach 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade from the start, but when I was offered 5th grade, I wasn’t sure at first whether it was my first choice. But now I wouldn’t want to teach any other grade. Many people see 5th graders as the big kids in the school, but they are actually quite vulnerable and need a lot of encouragement.

Have you ever considered teaching a different grade? Why or why not?
I really like the grade that I teach and I wouldn’t want to change, but I do believe that I would be comfortable teaching the 3rd or 4th grades.

Are the benefits of this job worth all the hassles? Why or why not?
Absolutely. There’s nothing more important than helping kids learn and become better people.

What kind of training or schooling was required for this job?
Well, I got my four year degree, and then went back to school for my masters and certification.


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