I Will Hit You! | Teen Ink

I Will Hit You!

April 7, 2014
By Stephentomp BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Stephentomp BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I will hit you!

“Call me that again and I will hit you” my mom said. That was one of the first time she stood up for herself.

My mom was picked on sometimes when she was a child and she never really knew what to do. Standing up for yourself is always the key. You can just get stomped on for the rest of your life because you will be miserable. It must suck to have to know when you wake up and go to school you are going to get called names repeatedly because she was short or called “bird legs” because she was too skinny. That’s what mother had to go through when she was a child.

“Oh yes I am” Mollie said. She responded to the question “Do you still stand up for yourself till this day”? She stands up for herself today because she wasn't gonna be messed with anymore. She still has incidents that she must stand for yourself today. She said everytime she has a time she must stand up for herself she has the flashback of the first time she stood up for herself when a boy called her “birdlegs” and she threatened to hit the boy with a golf club if she called her that again.

“Your grandma said to go with what's in your heart and that will lead you the way” My grandma said. I don't remember much about my grandma because I was only 4 when she passed away but when I got older i'm hearing great things about my grandma. My mom said she is influenced by my grandma because my mom always lives by what is in your heart. My mom also lives by my grandpa to because he would always do things for others and my mom tries to live by what they did.

“Don’t let people push you around even if they are your friends.” My aunt said this because my mom and her best friends would get in some fights. My aunt thought that nobody needs to pick on an individual even if is one of your best friends. My aunt wasn't picked on because she was the “smart” one of the family.

This impacts me because I have to see here everyday and she is someone I look up to. I think I am like her a little bit already because my mom is funny and people think im funny. I don't let people beat me down because i'm short and that's how my mom grew up. I'm going to grow up and get beat up on because I am going to do my best to succeed.

The author's comments:
It was inspiring.

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This article has 1 comment.

Jay B said...
on Apr. 10 2014 at 1:41 pm
It was okay you could have done better