Did I Seceded | Teen Ink

Did I Seceded

April 7, 2014
By Anonymous

“Did I seceded?” This is a question that we all ask ourselves at one point, but my grandma did more than that. She did so much for her kids and wanted them to have the best life. Not only did she succeed but she help her kids seceded as well. To Joan Webb everything revolved around family and the importance of family and to this day that hasn't changed.

She grew up learning the importance of family values. Joan learned that at a young age and looked after her family through the ups and downs of life. But there is more to Joan Webb than just family. She is a hardworking and strong women who has faced many challenges in life. But yet she has the most caring and loving heart I know.

When interviewing her and my mother Anna Renee Webb I kept hearing “If it doesn't bring you happiness than it is not worth it.” My grandma’s mother taught two life facts to my grandma. The first being to always love and cherish family and the second being to find happiness in whatever you do. If it does not make you happy than it is not worth it. My grandma never forgot that and that phrase has been passed down through generations.

The name Joan will never be forgotten in my family. But life without her is just unthinkable or at least for now. She will be turning 80 years old this year, but yet every morning she wakes up and goes to work. The same job she has had for over 40 years and she is not ready to quit. This women is strong and this happy with her life and has yet to complain. It teaches me that you can’t be greedy and to never mistreat the people who care the most about you.

Impact is an understatement when I think about how my grandma has changed me. She has taught me so much about caring for others, working hard, and loving life. I will never forget how strong she has taught me to be in the face of heartache and pain. These moments that I have with will always be with me. The day I was born she told me happiness is around every corner and even when hides from me I know it is there.

Remember that first sentence asking did I seceded? Well if you haven't learned by now that Joan Webb is a loving women basing her life around family. When the interview was over Joan said one final sentence that made an impact on me from the moment it left her mouth “If everyone feels like they have a purpose in life than I did my job.” This shows that a legacy is made up of the good you do in life, and the greatness that others see in you.

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