Miracle Brings Family Together | Teen Ink

Miracle Brings Family Together

September 12, 2014
By CristalMorales BRONZE, San Fernando, California
CristalMorales BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When thinking of the American dream most people consider fame,money and success. Meanwhile other people don't. Billie Jean isn't comparable most people, Billie Jean thinks of family and the way she would wish them to be “together as a unit” again. Even if a turn of events has to happen. A couple of years back Billie Jean's grandson, also by the name Billie got in a terrible accident and needed to be placed on life support. While she was at the hospital, she spend most of her time praying. Praying at church or at the hospital chamber or next to his bed. While the doctor tells the father that they should pull Billie off life support, but Billie Jeans son refuses, he says with confidence, “Only God can take someone off Life-support”. While most people would give up and let them go, they refused, they knew that God was with them and would help them bring Billie back.

While waiting at the hospital, “his mom,and my other sons that were in northern California all came down and came together as a unit”. The family had reunited at the hospital, it “brought all of the boys back together,It brought all of my kids back together.” . It was hard for the family to go through something like this, but Billie Jean could back down, “ I couldn’t break down and cry, although I wanted to I had to keep myself together in order for the whole family to stay together.” Billie Jean and the family gather together around Billies bed and prayed, at ending point of the prayer Billie wakes up, pulls the life-support of and says “Grandma what are you doing here?” not only did the prayer stop there the prayer went all the way to the other room to bring back a father of a family.

Ever since that day “there's not a week go by,that we don't all touch with one another.” Even though it took time to get back to a united family “its a closeness that everyone came together through Billies accident.” and that is something Billie Jean has been waiting for.

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