Getting into the minds of the guys at Arrowhead | Teen Ink

Getting into the minds of the guys at Arrowhead

December 23, 2014
By Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few arrowhead guys were asked questions that were thought up by some of the girls at arrowhead. These questions were asked to see what guys really think about themselves as a gender and females.

Why does everything have to be so competitive?

“Humans are always competing to be the best, its just nature. Being competitive makes things more challenging and enjoyable for guys.  Especially when it comes to sports because you want to win and be on top.” says senior Drew Eskoff
“It goes back to primitive days when we have fight for survival.” says senior Ben Milhojevich

“Being competitive lets you know whos better and just makes things more fun.” says senior Jake Beres
Do you think male bonding is important?

“Yes because otherwise we’ll go crazy. Imagine a male being around females all the time.” says senior Ethan

“Its very important, because without a brother what you have? you can always depend on a friend when things get bad.” says Milhojevich
“ Guys need to be around other people who have the same problems and are just like them. To get different perspective and to just chilling with guys is fun.” says junior John Thompson

“Hanging Out with friends is important because it gives a guy a chance to get all his male inappropriate, rude comments/behavior out where it is acceptable.” says senior zach moore
“ Yeah if you’re straight you should hangout with both guys and girls, you need to learn about eachothers differences.” Junior Greg tarmann

“Yes, its fun hanging out with the guys. You experience fun things and do random stuff. I love going skiing and then going to mcdonalds after for some food.” says Jake Beres

“ Yes. Becoming closer with other guys is important because they’re always  there, they’re reliable, and care about you. It also strengthens the relationship between friends. Theres a need to have someone to understand you. Guys bond for the same reason girls do, we just go about it differently.” says Eskoff

Do you think nice guys finish first or last?
“A nice guy will finish last if he doesn’t stand up for himself because people will walk all over you, but you shouldn’t be mean either. You have to be compassionate because nobody likes mean people.” says Beres
“ I think nice guys get more girls because they are willing to talk about the girl rather than just being cocky.” says Stapleton

“Nice guys finish first. A nice guy will struggle through high school, and maybe even college. But after college, they will always find the right girl. They will find one that actually has true love for them.”  says Moore
“Being nice has its perks . If you’re nice people like you, care about you, and wanna be there for you. If your not nice though in a way you get respect, you are by yourself if thats your thing and people generally dont mess with you.” Junior Keiagane Mork

Do you have a better day when you wear nice clothes or crappy clothes?
“ I like crappy clothes that are comfortable because i’m not worried about ripping them or getting them dirty. I’m just free to have a good time.” says Beres

“ I feel better and more confident about myself in nice clothes. In a psychologically aspect if you dress better, your do better and i believe that.  I like looking nice, I like looking approachable like a nice clean cut kind of a  guy.” says Eskoff

“Depends on how i’m feeling that particular morning, Typically i dress more casual on gym days.” says Moore
“ I like to dress up because it makes me feel more confident and makes school easier for me.” says Mork

What kind of shoes do you like to wear?
“ Comfortable and athletic shoes because i don’t care about what other people think.” Moore

“ I have every kind of shoe,from jordans, nike, dress shoes, running shoes etc. My favorite is one of my jordans and they match with everything. I look for comfort and then looks, if it looks good and its comfortable i am going to wear it even more.” Eskoff

“Athletic shoes because they’re more comfortable.” says Thompson

“ I like to wear worn out shoes because i don’t have worry about them getting all gross,or worry about getting blisters. I look for shoes that are from america because i like to support america.” says Beres

Do you like it when girls dress up or dress down?
“ Well i love it when my girlfriend Krista dresses up, but i love it even more when she can wear a sweatshirt,sweat pants and no make up and still look gorgeous.” says Mork
“ Its attractive when girls dress up but its not the only thing i look for.” says Milhojevich

“ I find girls dressing up attractive in different settings. When girls dress in sweatpants you know they’re are confident in themselves. If a girl was trying to impress me in like a social setting though i would find dressing up to be more attractive.”  says Eskoff

“If i am close to a girl, or dating a girl i prefer it if she doesn’t dress up  because it shows comfort.” Moore
“sweats all the way. I prefer girls to wear clothes they would wear everyday instead a dress. I just don’t pay much attention to dresses.” says Tarmann

“Dresses up, because crappy clothes could mean they don’t smell good. if you dress up well and look really nice i will probably be more interested in what you’re saying,because it tells other people how you carry yourself.” says Beres
“I don’t look at girls for how they look, i look at kindness and how much we have  in common, or  how easy you are to talk to.” says Ethan

First things you notice about someone when you meet them?
“ A smile, you could be someone who will make my life better or make it sad.” says Mork

“ First thing I look for is their face. Second is personality, they have to be chill. Third I’d want to know how they think, what think, and why? I think its really interesting to see how people think, and if someone has a unique thinking process i find that extremely attractive. Then I want to know how smart they are. I’d also want to know what they are into outside of school, like hobbies etc.”  says Eskoff
“First thing i notice when i meet a girl is her eye color and smile. Then i notice her hair color and style.” says Tarmann

“ Smile and eyes. I need to be able to see myself connecting with them, and i can tell in the eyes and smile.” Moore

What are some things that bother you about the arrowhead?
“ I dont like the people who think they’re better than everybody else just because they have more toys and a bigger house.” says Mork
“  I don’t like how people think theres social groups, not social groups per say but a “popular” group.” says Thompson
“ Being a nice carrying person is like weird now. Its hard to find nice people. Like when it comes to picking people for a project everybody picks they’re friends, and I try to go with the people who might not have friends in that class because it makes them so happy, and i just don’t  see other people doing that anymore and its sad.” Says Eskoff


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