The First Lady of NFBC | Teen Ink

The First Lady of NFBC

December 10, 2015
By Anonymous

 I entered the hospital for sinners. Thinking it was a hotel for saints. When I hear that the doctors all prescribe the same medicine. The Word of God. This was something I was vaguely familiar with. So I came across a doctor who seemed to be well known and I asked her. How can you prescribe the same medicine when all your patients have different illness? She simply smiled and answered. Nothing is impossible with a God who knows all. So I tell my patients to have faith because my God heals all. But what if a person doesn’t believe in God, will they still be able to get healed from this God you speak of?
             She was a strong black woman who never left her husband’s side. She was 43, and a Christian who believed that Jesus, the son of God, died on the cross.  She believed it so much she got married to a man that preaches it 3 times every weekend. But not only that she preached it to.  As they say in the church they have those demons running away. So I had the honor of interviewing the First Lady of New Faith Baptist Church International. 
             Well, I didn’t have to be introduced to something I already believed in. I grew up knowing that God was always the one for me. My mother always looked to God when things got rough and it always seemed to work for her. I took it upon myself to be like my mother and believe in what she did. I remember a time when I was young and after she put me to sleep she would sit in the kitchen and sing “Jesus Jesus Jesus. Jesus Jesus Jesus. Jesus Jesus Jesus.”  I often thought of that as my lullaby.
            Of course, Lord knows that I have made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime.  If I wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be half the woman I was today.  Why is that? I struggled with the fact that I will never be perfect, but with God’s help he made me realize that my imperfect helped send me in the right direction. My past was never as bright as my future. Yet, “my future became bright as I made more mistakes.”
             I pause, for I was a little confused. How can your mistakes make your future brighter? I wondered to myself. Yet, I refused to walk out without an explanation.  So how exactly did your mistakes make your future brighter? What you learn in the past you contribute to your future? Therefore, all the mistakes I made taught me not to do them again in the future ergo “Learning from my mistakes.”
             The Bible. Well I consider the Bible to be “my Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.” Also simple scriptures that can help me get through a tough day. Reading a simple verse helps me be the person God created me to be. It gives me guidance. So would you say that the bible gives you a close relationship with God? In some cases yes, but the main reason I'm close to God is because I pray.  That's my opportunity to talk to him one on one.  I’m able to tell him how I feel, and know he is not going to judge me. It gives me a sense of comfort that I have someone who I can talk to about anything.

I grew up in church all my life but can’t even compare to the things she has spoke of. Personally I wouldn’t know what to say if I was in her shoes. I’m still in that phase of whether or not this God person is true. 


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