My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 30, 2018
By Anonymous

My name comes from the Gospel of Luke. My parents loved giving my siblings names from the gospel so it’s no surprise. It gives my name some meaning which I like. I don’t want some name that was just picked because it sounded nice.

The name Luke translates to “light giving” in Greek. It feels uplifting and happy. Like a warm sunny day. I don’t feel that fits me very well. I’m not the most optimistic guy out. I typically don’t look at the glass half full. will be in doubt. Not really what the name would imply

Now that I think about it Steve might just work. It’s a much better fit. Steve translates to crown or garland. Yeah, that sounds better. I should change my name to Steve Steven Stevens. It’s so basic that it’s unique!

People already call me Steve. Ever since 7th grade. Onf of my friends started calling me Steve O and it caught on.Honestly at this point Steve is practically my name. Starting my freshmen year I’d say about 90% of my conversations with other teens I’d go by Steve. Despite what I might tell myself it’s who I am.

Despite how much people call me Steve the name Luke is still a huge part of my life. Teachers, family, authority figures. It’s like the name is on a higher pedestal. As if only they can call me that.Makes it a bit special if you ask me.

Steve seems like a light grey. Not the first thing you notice but can be just what you need. It’s also a little darker than most others around them. Fits me great! Luke on the other hand is a light red. Bright and stands out. It goes well with a lot of colors and typically makes you happy all around. Again not necessarily me.

Overall it doesn’t matter what you call me. A name is a name. I am who I am. But either way Steve and Luke will both play huge parts in my life. And I will always know what which one means to me.

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