The Farm House | Teen Ink

The Farm House

October 30, 2018
By DMonroe8802 BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
DMonroe8802 BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As old as I am, this place still seems to bring me back to my childhood. When I am here, there is no roaring city sounds such as the rumbling sound  factories and semis. Here it’s just the noise of the wind blowing, animal sounds and tractors engines running, it’s as perfect as a gloveing fitting perfectly. When I drive down that gravel road to the house it gives me a sense of relief, relief of anxiety and stress of everything in the whole world. When I get to the house I am created by the cats, it's not just the cats it's also a sweet girl that comes and greets me. Just the girl greeting me and hanging out with me makes me feel so happy, so stress relieved, makes me feel like there's not a worry in the world. This girl teaches me how to ride horses, how to feed them and how to take care of them. This girl is more than just a friend in every way possible, when I met her, she changed my perspective on everything. In the last two years since my great grandma passed, “October 26th,” I can truthfully say I can finally smile without faking it and it's all because of her, because of the farm, it all changed me for the better good. Not only does this girl teach me how to ride horse, she teaches me how to feed the chickens and how to care for them as well. There are so many wondrous scent out here, it smell as good as a home cooked meal from mom. Not only does it smell good out here, or is the noise level is perfect, the view. The view is the most amazing thing. It’s as beautiful as a spring bloom! Out here there are a lot of things you can touch. You can pet the horses, the dog and the cats. Not only can you physically touch things but you can emotionally too, such as the the trees, the house, the gravel road. I know these seem like things that really should matter but, they matter to me, they're a big deal to me, they make me feel happy, it's not just one thing about it, its many things that I don't even know how to put into words. When I'm at the farm, it's like the whole place speaks to me, its like its meant to be. There's one particular taste I can't forget and that's the taste of the dusty air. That taste may not be perfect for any else but I think its perfect. I wish I could be here each and every single day it makes me so happy, releves all the pain. Till next time farmhouse, till next time.

The End.

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