Broken Plate | Teen Ink

Broken Plate

December 18, 2018
By nakbar2 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
nakbar2 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

The moment your mom’s fancy china plate slips out of your hand and breaks into a million pieces, you know it’s game over.

The sound of the crash rings in you ears, creating a wave of fear wash over your body. The shrill left behind, as the waves quickly leave your ears just as fast as they came.

Whenever I break any plate, I go through the same feeling. I quickly try to pick up the pieces and discard them, before my mother comes in. In the process, I always manage to cut myself; therefore, causing the dark reddish blood to rush out of the 3 centimeter long scratch, from the white and red roses plate.

I try to (in a way) always find a way to put the plate back together. however, when something is broken, it cannot be fixed. No matter how much glue, tape, hot glue, or the super tape the guy advertises when he cuts a boat in half saying, ”No one can beat this shit!”

Sometimes I am able to fix the plate, but when I try to use it, it breaks again; causing me to throw it away, therefore.

Sometimes, a guest might accidentally break one of MY personal favorite plates, But what can you do? You can’t yell at them saying, “YOU HAD ONE JOB! YOU HAD TO EAT IN IT, YET YOU MANAGED TO BREAK IY YOU-.”

Rather I just smile.

And say that it’s okay

Say that it’s not that big of a deal.

When in fact, I have already killed that person in my head 100 times.

But when my friend breaks my personal plate, I don’t think any of that. I just laugh and say, “I was going to throw it away, anyways.” Even though I wasn’t going to throw it away, since I recently just got it.

Somethings, such as a plate, are made in glass so that you are able to use it over and over again. However, there are plastic plates, that you use only once and then throw it away. Majority if the people prefer glass plates, but are not able ti take care of them. Resulting in breaking them into pieces, and having to throw them away.

When something is broken it cannot be fixed, for it will look disastrous when it is put back together. 

Like when a heart is broken and put back together, a piece will always be missing.

The author's comments:

This is somthing I believe : when something is broken it can't be fixed. Through this piece, i used an extended metaphor of a broken plate. 

You can say that trust is also like a plate. That when it's broken, it can fixed. It may take time, but you can never really trust that person the same ever again.

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