Gage | Teen Ink


March 28, 2019
By ggaaggee BRONZE, Flatrock, Michigan
ggaaggee BRONZE, Flatrock, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My life is basic. I was born on February 20th, 2005 at 3:45 in the morning. When I was born they had to fly me to a hospital in Ann Arbor because I was dying. Tthey saved my life and my mom was dying to of heart failure. They saved her life too but my lungs collapsed, so they kept me in an incubator. I was 3 months premature. One year later my mom got me back and everything was going great until I was 2 years old.


Me and my dog was playing tag and I had a spoon in one hand and the other was free. I was looking back and then I looked forward and boom there was a fire pit right in front of me and I fall into the fire pit I grab ahold of the coles and I had 3 degree burns all over my hand and my dad snatched me up and rushed me to the Wyandotte Hospital. My mom had to clean my wounds every night. now I have squares all over my hand.1 year later my little brother was born. When he turned 1 we moved to NC. 


We lived there for 3 years we had 2 acres of land  and we had a tree called flamley Y we played in that tree every day. some days we would fall out of the tree and bust our heads. My dad will Super Glue our cuts together so we did not get stitches and our next store neighbors grilled out every night.we had larger speakers in the back of the truck and we blast country music.


Then we moved to Robeson County NC.we moved in the summertime and my next store nader was a little girl we played in the woulds and we build house.and my family lived { not real family.} I had so much fun over then we moved again back to MI .we lived in a trailer I don't like it I had to shir a dead room with my little brother  and it sucked 2 weeks later I went to Brown Town Elementary School it was okay the school was closed due to Elementary I stayed in that school for 4th and 5th grade it was okay it wasn't good or it wasn't bad but yeah. That brings me back to 6th grade was great I made new friends. and I stand therefore half of the year then. my mom gave us to are grandparents. She had to go rehab for 50 days then get back on her feet. So in total, I stayed there for 6 months then my mom got a trailer and we moved in and my mom meet a boyfriend. Then after a while me and my flame moved in so that brings me up to date. Until next time.  

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