Miss my homie | Teen Ink

Miss my homie

October 16, 2019
By chifaberriault21 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
chifaberriault21 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had someone in your life that meant a lot to you and that you’d hope you never lose. Well I’m sure you have because everyone either has that type of friend or even family member that they’ve been best friends with since however long. In my life there was only about two people that I was really close with and at the end of the day I ended up losing one on Halloween and another the day of her birthday. It may seem sad to lose someone you’d love forever but they’ll always want you to remember them in your hearts and not in your sadness or raging emotions. 

 It was late at night and I was hanging with my best friends brother Max, eating pizza, jumping all around the room like the idiots we were the time, blasting “Miss my homie, by Speed Gang”. Which at the time didn’t mean anything to me. We were singing the lyrics “Miss my homie yeah I miss my dog your gone forever that’s too damn long” when we heard a cry come from another room. It sounded like some girl had seen mouse, so we went out to the kitchen to see what it was, and what we saw confused me and Max both. Max’s mother was sitting there flooding the tiled floor in tears of sorrow. We had asked what had happened but she had been too deep into her tears. We picked her up, sat her down, asked what had happened to her. 

The news she told us killed me and destroyed my heart, shattering it into pieces inside and out. The reason that she was suffocating herself in her tears was because Max’s sister had taken her life to the grave herself.

 All of us just sitting there in pity listening to the lyrics “I look to my right then look to my left, I see no one cause my best friends dead”. Those were the lyrics that hit me the hardest that night and made me wonder about everything that I never knew about her. To this day I still listen to that song everyday no matter where I am or what I”m doing I find time to listen to that song to remind me or her. Sometimes I still think about how she hid her demons away with that wide toothed smile of hers, only a cruel world like this one could assume was real. 

Present day today is still a battle going on in life knowing that she is gone but even though that she has gone to a better place, I’m glad to know that she is finally ok and safe where she is. Through all the sadness and anger that she was hiding away from the world she has taught me a very deep and meaningful life lesson. The lesson that she has taught me is no matter how hard your day was, or how many times you got pushed around, or even all the names that you’ve got called by people. There is always someone somewhere waiting to make you smile and someone that makes you feel like you can truly be yourself around them. Cherish all the time that you spend with a person you love cause you never really know when they're gonna be gone.

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