Complexity of Silence | Teen Ink

Complexity of Silence

October 21, 2022
By RedmundoKhan BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
RedmundoKhan BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was moving so fast, the ringing was getting louder, and Miles was nowhere to be seen. I remember that my brother decided that he wanted some air, so he decided to crack open the sliding door in order to let cool air into our house. I then walk into my room with Miles following under me. I walk slowly to make sure I don’t trip over Miles since he is a smaller dog.  As I sat down in my chair Miles pranced over to me and then he began to stare at me. I stare back into his small hazel eyes and say “What, Miles?” He then moves into a circle and plops down onto the floor. As I'm in my chair I can see that he is slowly falling asleep. I then gave him stitches and he rolled over falling asleep. I then began to focus on playing Deus Ex.

Hours then pass and I get up to get a drink of water. As I got up I noticed that Miles was nowhere to be seen. I don’t panic at all because I know that Miles sometimes goes under my mother's bed to sleep or one of his other hiding places. As I enter the kitchen and turn the faucet the sound of running water echoes through the house. The sound only being canceled out by the faint ambiance of the television in my mother’s room.

I then turn off the faucet and leave my cup in the sink, because Miles would’ve been staring at me right now. “Where is this little gremlin,” I mumble. I walk into the hallway and go towards my mother’s room. I open the door, the creaks fill the entire house with noise. I walk towards her bed and fall to my knees in order to look under it. Miles is not here. My mother notices me looking under the bed, and she asks “What are you doing?”  “ Looking for Miles,” I reply. She begins to look underneath the bed and she also doesn’t see Miles. She pauses for a moment, the tv being the only source of sound in the room.

 She began to say his name “Miles? Miles?” Each time she said his name she started to get louder. Eventually, her yelling woke up my brother who was sleeping on the couch. I left her room and sped into the living room, ignoring whatever the brother said to me. I looked behind the couch and Miles wasn’t there, I looked underneath the table and Miles wasn’t there. “Where is he?,” I thought to myself. During the panic, Miles was the only focus of anyone. The living room began to be turned inside-out. The couch was flipped over, pillows were being tossed, and everyone was fully aware of the situation at hand. 

While I was looking everywhere I began to gravitate toward the entrance. I noticed the curtains blowing in the wind and I pulled them back to see the sliding door slightly open. I frantically began to put on my slippers, my foot reaching over the end of them. I bolted down the stairs outside of the apartment; With each step, I carefully balanced myself in order not to fall. After the last set of stairs, I reached the pavement and I felt the side of my ankle touch the pavement.

I sprained my ankle, But that wouldn’t deter me and I kept walking down the pathway yelling for Miles. With each step a jolt of pain followed. Limping along the freshly paved asphalt walkway. Further down the walkway, I saw a poster for a missing dog, the same breed of dog as Miles. Looking at that poster made everything freeze; I thought I had to do the same. I limp towards the closest store I know. I regretting purchased markers, poster boards, and super glue. 

During the process of purchasing the items I felt like I had betrayed Miles, I felt like a terrible person for allowing Miles to escape like that, I thought that I should’ve done something sooner. As I walk back home I see myself as a failure. Walking across the asphalt, I see something moving in the window blinds of the apartment, but I still walk up the stairs at a calm pace. As I open the door a little gremlin tries to escape again but I grab him and hold him to my side. Knowing that Miles is back here in my arms I felt joyful. I go into my mother's room and ask her “So, where was he?” She replies” He went to the neighbor's apartment and they found him, when I was out they asked if I was looking for a dog and they showed me miles.” I place miles on the bed until he falls asleep, laying with him throughout.

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