Having Patience | Teen Ink

Having Patience

March 8, 2023
By K_rose BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
K_rose BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Having Patience by Kinsey Felts

Walking down the dirt road to the fenced-in area we saw the horses, so patient, waiting as each of them was tacked up with saddles and bridles. “Head down to the kid’s cabin!” one of the ranchers called to my friends and me (Avery, and Zoey). 

“Okay!” we responded in unison. We walked down the hill towards the cabin, and grabbed our helmets, making sure they fit. 

“Is everyone ready? All got your helmets?” another rancher asked. 

“Yep!” We all walked down to the arena and waited in the bleachers as they brought the horses out of the fence enclosure.

I looked around looking for any I recognized. “Look at that one!” Avery said, pointing to a beige one with a black mane. 

“Wow! He looks pretty fast right?”Zoey said trotting over, already on her horse, Stetson. We both nodded and looked at all of the different colored horses. A few minutes passed until it was just me and a few other kids who needed a horse. I looked around for my water, which was situated next to me on the bench. 

“It’s so hot today!” I said to another kid, who nodded in agreement. 

“Kinsey this one’s for you!” Kelsy, one of the ranchers told me. I walked up to the platform nervously since it had been a while since I’d gotten on a horse. I patted his soft back. He was such a beautiful jet-black horse, the only part of white that showed was his fuzzy muzzle with a shiny coat and pretty green eyes. She showed me how to get my leg into the saddle, and I struggled for a moment to get situated. Tying my water bottle to the horn of the saddle I grabbed the reins. 

“What’s his name?” I asked her. She smiled at the horse, combing out his mane. 

“Kareo! He’s very gentle and won’t buck. He’s a sweetheart.” Patting his side, to reassure him.

“You’re ready to go!” she said as Avery and Zoey waved at me to come across the arena to them. I nodded at Kelsy and used the reins like I was taught, to guide Kareo. I got comfortable in the saddle so we picked up the pace. 

Suddenly the saddle and I slid almost to the side of Kareo’s chest. “Uh… what am I supposed to do?” I cried as Kareo, sensing something was wrong, stopped walking to the other end of the dusty arena. I grew increasingly nervous that I’d fall and that this was a bad idea to ride a horse after like three years. “Oh, whoops!” Kelsy and Arianna rode their horses over. I had the feeling I was about to fall over as I shifted uncomfortably. “I’m so sorry about that sweetie! I guess I forgot to check the buckle.” Kelsy to check the problem.

Grabbing Clifford’s reins, and Kelsy’s horse Arinna walked over to help tighten the saddle. “Here, you can get back on in a second, but I think there are a few buckles to tighten.” She said, helping me off so that they could fix it. 

It was a few minutes before they were done, and in those minutes I had decided that I wouldn’t be getting back on, maybe I could just go back to the kid’s cabin and paint another horseshoe? “You can get back on now, I think it just loosened a little when you mounted, but it’s fixed now!” Arinna said while Kelsy led Kareo over to the fence so I could hop on. 

“I don’t really want to get back on, I’m scared I’ll fall,” I replied. 

“It’ll be okay I promise you won’t fall, that was just because I forgot to check if the buckles were tight enough,” Kelsy said, tying Kareo’s reins to the fence post. I shook my head to tell her I was really afraid. I remembered the last time I rode, I ended up losing the reins, falling forward, and almost falling off. On top of that, everyone made fun of me for dropping the reins in the first place. Kelsy motioned for me to climb the wooden fence and get on. 

“You’ll be okay, I’ll even lead you over there if you want. I’ll make sure the saddle is tightened this time,” she said and we both laughed. 

“Can you lead me over there? I’m still scared I’ll fall, and I don’t want to be embarrassed if I do.”I felt better now that the saddle was secure, but I was still a little afraid. Kelsy nodded and hopped back on her horse. She grabbed Kareo’s lead and led her horse over to the group.

“You just gotta have patience! Nobody learns in a day, I can tell you that much!” she unlatched the lead rope from his bridle. “Be patient!” she called back as she joined everyone.

“Let’s go!” Avery said, waving me on. I smiled, this was definitely going to be the best birthday trip, now that I felt better, and I was confident I wouldn’t fall. 

“We’ll get going on the trail ride now that everyone’s ready! Since there’s only a few of you we can go on one of the harder trails,” Arinna, moved Clifford to the front of the line. “Scarface and Kareo can go in front of me, Stetson has some drama with Clifford,” Zoey said waving to both Avery’s horse and mine. “Yep, they’re divas!” Kelsy said as the trail line started to move. 

Going on the trail ride was definitely worth it. The scenery was beautiful. It was very hot out, and the sun felt like fire on my back, but other than that it was great. Kareo was a saint and very gentle. He didn’t buck and was very good at cantering. He never lost his footing on the more steep and slippery rocks. The only thing is that he loved to canter and gallop so much that it was hard to get him to slow down or get him to stop. 

“Aren’t you glad you went, Kinsey?” Avery asked me once I was back in the kids' cabin. 

“Definitely! It was the most fun I’ve had so far since we got here, though I’m glad to be back in the A/C.” I replied, and we laughed. 

“Yep! I can’t wait for the next one!” Zoey said, taking off her helmet and putting it in the designated cubby. 

“Let’s go get lunch, kids! Make sure to leave your helmets here and your water bottles.” Kelsy said opening the door and letting the intense heat in.

“Wait, I see Kareo, I’ll be right back!” I called as I ran to the fence. 

“Okay, but hurry up, we’ll wait for you!”Arinna said back, stopping the group from going up the hill to the main area.

“Such a good boy, Kareo,” I said to him, patting his muzzle and taking a zip-lock bag out, and gave him a carrot like Avery had shown me. I pet his soft face and combed his mane with my fingers.

“I’m glad I decided to go! Riding isn’t so scary anymore.” I said to him. “Thanks, boy,” I said, laughing as he neighed in response.

“Let’s go!” Avery and Zoey had already started walking.

“Wait up!” I called and ran back to join the group.

The author's comments:

It was from when I was 11 at a ranch we used to go to.

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