Deep Connections | Teen Ink

Deep Connections

June 29, 2024
By Mapricotist PLATINUM, Weston, Massachusetts
Mapricotist PLATINUM, Weston, Massachusetts
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At that moment I suddenly understood what “deep connection” means. Surrounded by the steady hum of the engines and the faint chatter of fellow passengers, tears flowed down my cheeks. I was still struggling with the fact that the summer school was ending, and I would probably never see my new friends again.


Why? It is just another ending, like the ones I had previously experienced. Everything ends. I can’t remember how many times I have experienced an ending. Ten? Twenty? More? Whether parting from family members, leaving friends after a closing ceremony at summer camp, or saying good-bye after a momentous graduation, no parting I’ve been through made me feel this sad. This was the first time I cried because of an ending.


I lowered my head, trying to hold back and hide the uncontrollable emotion in the vrooming sound of the engines. On the pull-down tray were some personal notes my friends gave me before leaving. With trembling hands, I reached out and picked up the first note. As I unfolded it, a flood of memories and heartfelt words spilled forth, transporting me back to the moments we had shared during our time together. Each note carried the essence of the person who penned it, their unique handwriting and choice of words reveals their own unique personality.


Reading the heartfelt messages, I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions. Laughter, inside jokes, words of encouragement, and heartfelt wishes adorned those tiny pieces of paper. They were more than mere notes; they were testaments to the depth of our connections and the impact we had on one another's lives.


“You rocked the student showcase!” “Your singing at the showcase was so impressive!” Right, I performed, again, in front of 200 people, I remember. That’s a stage where students can walk up and perform. With others’ encouragement, my two friends and I decided to sing a soft and warm song. As the music starts playing, all eyes are drawn to us. “I am chasing after your gaze, always gazing at the night sky in moments of solitude…” In an instant, the audience raised their flashlights, and the entire seating area was illuminated with the glow, resembling a starry sky descending upon the venue. I believe it is because of everyone's kindness and active support that the venue became so dreamlike, and the performance was a resounding success.


I opened another few notes. “You are the nicest people I’ve met.” “Thank you for being friendly and easy to talk to.” Well, I’m just simply treating others the way I have been treated. I remember when I first arrived in the city, it was an Uber driver who picked me up from the train station and brought me to the campus. Not only did he help me with my heavy luggage, but he also warmly remarked, "Asian people are the hardest working individuals I've ever come across. Whenever I pick them up, they are always ready to go, no waiting required. And they are always so polite..." His words instantly heightened my positive impression of the local community. As a result, I passed on this kindness to every person I met during the following time, which led me to make many friends. I believe this was also a contributing factor in forming deep connections with everyone around me.


As I continued to read, I allowed the tears to flow freely, no longer holding back by my futile attempts at control. These tears were not only a result of sadness but also a profound gratitude for the love and support I had received from these amazing friends. In that moment, I realized that these notes were physical embodiments of the connections we had formed and the indelible marks we had left on each other's hearts.


Before this summer camp experience, I often wondered: Am I actually forming deep connections with those around me? At that moment, I had my answer. Over the course of two weeks, I had shared every aspect of my life with these extraordinary individuals. Together, we ventured through the intricacies of our educational journey, presenting a united front in our pursuit of knowledge. We formed a tight-knit bond, not only as classmates but as companions who shared meals, collaborated on assignments, faced challenges head-on, and collectively expanded our horizons. Each day, we revealed the precious moments of togetherness. Just like the "family time" we had on the timetable every day, now, these friends are like a family to me, or maybe, even closer than a family. I recalled what a senior said to me: “Enjoy every moment, not just the end result.” These words impacted me with great significance, urging me to embrace the beauty of each passing second. It was through this lens of appreciation that I began to understand the true essence of forming deep connections.


As tears continued to glisten in my eyes, they were no longer solely tears of joy or sadness. They now symbolized a poignant mix of gratitude, love, and a deep sense of belonging. It was in this realization that I found solace, knowing that the connections forged in those two weeks would forever hold a cherished place in my heart. In that profound moment, I understood that forming deep connections transcended mere proximity or shared experiences—it required a willingness to invest in one another's lives, to celebrate the present, and to treasure the bonds we had nurtured.


As the airplane soared through the sky, painting the cabin with hues of soft morning light, I glanced once more at the notes in my hands. The sunrise dawning outside the window mirrored the understanding that was dawning on me. The beauty of the horizon unfolding before my eyes was a reflection of the beauty, I had discovered in the connections I had formed. It was a reminder that despite the physical distance that would soon separate us, the impact of these shared moments would forever illuminate my path. With a renewed sense of purpose and a heart filled with gratitude, I closed my eyes, allowing the warmth of the rising sun and the memories of those precious weeks to envelop me, knowing that the bonds we had forged would forever guide me toward a brighter tomorrow.

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