Mommy Please | Teen Ink

Mommy Please

April 14, 2011
By Anonymous

Im only two years old. I don't understand anything that I see or hear with my little eyes and ears. I only know what I feel. And that feeling is abandonment.

Mommy visits me every weekend. But why only the weekends? All of my friends have a mommy and Daddy. I have neither. I live with my Grandmother. I hate my Grandmother. Did she take me away from my Mommy? Is SHE the one to blame for this messed up situation?

Mommy's breath smelled really bad and her hair was really greasy and smelly as well. She wore baggy clothes and all black. No matter how bad she smelled, I'd always cling to her; cherishing every moment possible. When it was time for her to leave, I'd cry and I'd scream. Clinging onto her with all my might. I didn't understand why Mommy always left....she just...did.

I didn't see her for a few years, but I never forgot about her. But the only thing I could really remember was the odor coming from her body. I got really close to Grandma. She was such a caring woman. She NEVER left me like Momma always did.

Mom came back. Im 5 years old now. I heard Grandma talking to Grandpa about how she's sober now. What does sober mean? I don't understand anything their saying. But there my Mother stands, in the front door and I can't help but stand there and stare at her. She grabs me up in her arms and promises to never let go again. But she doesn't smell like she used to and her hairs no longer greasy. Shes a stranger.

Why would Grandma let me go with a stranger?

The author's comments:
My Mom used to be a terrible heroin addict. She left me for the first 5 years of my life. I still remember the smell coming from her body and the look in her eyes that she used to have when she was on drugs. I felt so abandoned whenever she would leave. But then, I felt even worse when my Grandma let me go with her.

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on May. 9 2011 at 2:04 pm
katibug919 BRONZE, Red House, West Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Me? Sarcastic? Im way to ditzy to grasp the concept of mockery"

Incredible!!! simply incredible writing. I love this so much....You have true talent...i dont even know the words to say. LOVE IT!!!