Pop, Pop, Owww | Teen Ink

Pop, Pop, Owww

April 3, 2013
By TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up on the floor with Will, my “gansta” cousin, to my left and Drew to my right, the adrenaline already coursing through me. I hurled myself on Will, which was greeted by some cursing which Will is know for, and then headed towards Drew to wake him up.  We were shivering by the time we got downstairs since it was January. Today was out of the ordinary because I was going to play airsoft for the first time ever. I had been looking forward to it since I got my airsoft gun for Christmas.  After we ate and got dressed in my jeans, jacket and two shirts. We all jumped in the car. We were all chatting about how much we thought it was gonna hurt, I could feel my nerves tightening like a rubber band and I could tell the others were too.  
So when we finally got there I was so nervous I was about to just sit out.  But once we got in and got settled with people getting rented gear and passes.  Since people were wearing tuxes and short sleeves I had to imagine it didn’t hurt that bad or they were not the brightest light bulbs in the world.  Finally our first match was about to launch.  We got in there with our masks, barrel sleeves off and all bundled up.  My group was a team with a few others and we were playing against some random people with big guns. The ref counted down from three and it began. I ducked behind a barrier in the back because I was scared but some of my teammates bolted to the front to battle. I popped my head up but ducked like a kid beneath his cover after a scary movie.   “Pop, pop, oww,”  I heard as my dad popped  up and blasted the middle aged man in the tux  across the arena and he started the walk of shame back to the respawn place.  
As the bullets ricocheted around me and people walked back to the spawn after they had been shot. I started to run to the next barrel to hide behind but I felt a sharp pain and then a thud signaled that I was shot. It actually didn’t hurt that bad, but I was mad that I had to go back to respawn because I was advancing. Now my elastic band had finally been released by the hand that was grabbing them. Now I had to walk back to respawn and just as my fingertips brushed the wooden wall, the round commenced.
But now I know that even if I am nervous about something I still have to try it or else I will never know how fun it is. But since the welts are still showing so maybe trying new things isn’t so good.

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