My Barmitzva | Teen Ink

My Barmitzva

June 4, 2013
By Alevenson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Alevenson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up at 6:00 in the early morning; it was the day of my Bar Mitzvah. I was very scared that I would mess up. If I messed up, I would feel embarrassed, even though if I messed up, it wouldn’t matter because I know my family and friends support me, no matter what. I put on my suit and I took my tallit and drove over to the temple. There was going to be a crazy amount of people they’re watching me read. When you’re reading Hebrew, almost after every word has a sound you make that sounds like a cat hissing at you. I was reading over my Hebrew for the final time before I had to read it in front of hundreds of people. I was very nervous.

I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, all the seats were filled with everyone I know. I was amazed at how many people came while I was in the restroom. My family my friends, teachers and cousins were all there. My face was very hot because I was so nervous. I started reading and I went smoother than I thought would. I had long and hard prayers and some short and easy prayers.

By the time I was done with all of the prayers, I was relieved and happy that they were over with. I was getting really warm in my suit; I started to sweat. It was very uncomfortable. Then I remembered that I had to give my speech and thank some people who helped me and taught me, especially my Hebrew teacher. I finished my speech and then my Mom came up and read her speech. She kept saying how proud she was and in my head I was saying, “Can I just go eat now? I have been here since 7:00 in the morning and it is noon.” I still enjoyed my mom’s speech. Then finally we said our final prayer, and when we were done, I got many congratulations. I was the center of attention. It was amazing.

I went home and rested for the big party I had. When I saw my party room, I was amazed. The first thing that caught my eye was the mechanical bull. I was going to ride it a lot. I was going crazy over it. There was a DJ. His music choices weren’t really what I liked, but most people enjoyed it. I was having an amazing time, and I was very happy to be done with a year of practicing. The stress was gone and I could finally go rest and enjoy the rest of my weekend. The next day was the brunch at a restaurant with a lot of my cousins and family. It was very fun, and I got to play with some of my cousins. I will remember those days for my whole life. It was really awesome that all my family and friends and everybody could come and celebrate with me.

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