Never Have I Ever | Teen Ink

Never Have I Ever

November 13, 2013
By thatconfusedgirl BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
thatconfusedgirl BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The question that sometimes dirves me hazy: am I or the others crazy?" ~ Albert Einstein

My hands are not shaking as I type this.

I am not sarcastic or crude.

I have never procrastinated doing homework by reading the transcript of Apollo 13 mission.

I am not fearful of college and leaving home for the first time.

I have never taken on the burden of someone else only to have that burden crush me while they frolcik free.

I have never fallen asleep with my face in a history textbook.

I have never spent 2 weeks in a hospital.

I have never missed a month of school.

I have a best friend who is not my sister.

I have never gotten into a physical fight over a book character.

I have never lived in fear.

I am not referred to as “the liberal girl who you don’t mess with because she knows her stuff and will shut you down.”

I do not worship italian food.

I do not question the validity of my religion daily.

I am not the daughter of a businessman and a teacher creating the most conventional family possible.

I do not over think every move I make.

I do not repeat moments over in my head and think about all the things I could’ve done better.

I do not have unruly hair that I have given up even brushing.

I have never stopped being friends with someone for reasons practically unknown.

I do not have a short temper.

I do not debate about anything.

I have never used spark notes instead of reading the end of the book.

I am not painfully over protective.

I do not pity myself.

I am not late for calculus because I am writing this.

I am not sick of Rhode Island and the people in it.

I do not resent my sister for her seemingly effortless success.

I do not spend more time on the internet than I do talking to real people.




I am not self absorbed.

I do not hate and have a fear of technology despite being an avid programmer.

I am not an introvert with a need for attention.

I have never feared for my life or my sanity.

I do not have a story for you.

I do not have a crazy thing I did, a tragedy that befell me or a witty construct on something mundane to tell you.

I did not forget my past in a whirlwind of a concussion.

I did not lose my identity and everything that came with it.

I do not have amnesia.

I remember everything.

And lastly, most importantly, I have never lied.

Or maybe I am in denial.

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