6th Grade | Teen Ink

6th Grade

April 2, 2014
By Olivia8 BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
Olivia8 BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All throughout elementary school, all I heard was that 6th grade was going to be the best year of all. So the summer going into 6th grade I was actually pretty excited for the year to start and that's saying something because I really didn’t like going school. I was definitely ready to get back into the swing of things. The first couple months of school were great and I was really believing that this was going to be the best year. However after about three months into school, everything started to go downhill. One of my friends who I had been friends with for a long time all of a sudden turned her back against me when I had done nothing to her. She stopped talking to me at school and when I would try to hang out with her at recess she would run away with her other friends, she got all of her other friends to gang up on me and she told them all to exclude me from them. On top of all that she also started telling people rumors about me. However, if we ever hung out outside of school, she treated me like I truly was her best friend. So I started to ask myself questions like: Am I not good enough for her? Am I not popular enough? But those questions didn’t have a logical answer as to why she treated me like I was less than her at school. Because to be completely honest, but not to sound snotty, I had things that were better than her. I had higher grades in school, and I had a wider variety of friends, and I felt like I was completely good enough for her. We played the same sports, had a lot of the same friends, enjoyed a lot of the same things, and we both had an outgoing personality. So then I began to ask myself the most logical question: Is she treating me this way because she is jealous of me? As the school year went on, her behavior didn’t get any better, infact it got worse. Now, not only was she treating me like I was worthless, but she was also trying to steal my best friend away from me. I can clearly remember one time, that she told my best friend a rumor about me so that she wouldn’t like me anymore. But it wasn’t just one rumor, it was one after another, it it didn’t really have an end to it. Her goal was to make my best friend not like me anymore, and it worked. I can clearly remember going home and just crying. I told my mom about everything that was happening and she encouraged me to try and keep a distance from her and to try to make new friends. However, it was hard for me to let go because we had so many fun times together, but by the end of the year, I learned that it was in my best interest to move on. Unfortunately, her behavior never really did come to an end. However, this experience brought me close to some people that I am extreamly good friends with now. Still, to this day I don’t really like my close friend who turned against me. I can talk to her and get along with her fine, but I don’t like to. Even though, I never really reunited with my close friend. I did become friends again with my best friend, and we are still friends to this day.

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