The Day My Little Brother Got Shot | Teen Ink

The Day My Little Brother Got Shot

June 6, 2014
By FiaunaIsaac BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
FiaunaIsaac BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Me and my grandmother were getting ready to go to Target and the news was on T.v. The news had said something about a father and son being shot in a park in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. But we didn’t pay it any mind. We did know the area of Bed-Stuy. we left out and went to target us shopping around and stuff enjoying the day. My mind was on the little boy and shooting that was on the news. I said to my grandmother, “Grandma thats crazy how a little boy just got shot”.She said “Yeah I don’t know what’s going on, can’t even take your kids anywhere”. After we left Target we went to McDdonalds for something to eat. We had ate there because we was not in a rush to go home it was a nice day out.

When we got in the house we watched the news and saw what happened.We didn’t know the chlid that got shot because they didnt show a picture of him.a few hours later, my mom called and my grandmother answered and my mom asked if she could speak to me. My grandmother gave me the phone and my mom said “Fiauna Got Shot”I paused and started crying. She said “Don’t cry. He’s okay. They just took him to Kings County Hospital and its on the news now.” I told her that I had seen it on the news that a child and his father got shot in the park is that it? She said “Yeah.” On the news they kept showing this one Jordan Sneaker laying on the floor. The next day I went to see him at the hospital. I remember my brother laying in a crib with a blue shirt on and alot of things attached to him. He was okay. The bullet went through one arm and came out the other.

The author's comments:
I'll never forget the day when my little brother got shot , I just had to write about it.

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