The Vow | Teen Ink

The Vow

September 25, 2014
By Laurenp2 BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
Laurenp2 BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finally, the session I had been waiting for all weekend- no, all year.  As all the men left the auditorium they seemed to take the end of July heat and the stench of sweat with them; the only thing they left the women with was the icy AC air and faint aroma of flowery and vanilla perfume. 
The woman’s session had begun. 
I could feel every girl in the room tense up as Jackie Francois Angel floated across the stage. 
She was the definition of a perfect woman, from Orange County, California, with untouchable loose waves in her gold/platinum hair, crisp ocean blue eyes, almost married a year to her husband, Bobby Angel, and was presently expecting their first child due in one month- and I wanted in every way to be her. 
Jackie was humorous - she would speak rapidly into the microphone like an irritated Puerto Rican woman- and was a great musician.  I could figure out her whole life just by staring at her.  But there was one thing I was surprised to know about her. 
She threw me a curveball when she spoke, clear as day, into the microphone, “I was virgin until the age of 29”. 
Certainly, she was not a weirdo-comic book reading-video game-playing nerd type.  Jackie has had many boyfriends throughout her young life; she dated the quarterback, a male model, and even a TV actor.  She herself was a former model, volleyball player, and valedictorian. 
She made the courageous decision to commit to chastity in the 8th grade. 
Her motives were the same I had been told my whole life growing up Catholic.  She wants to get into heaven, she wants her and her spouse to deserve the best, and she wants to follow the Church’s teaching of abstaining from pre-marital sex. 
Let me tell you, she would have been a star in baseball because she threw me another curveball when she said, “Picture your future spouse.  What do you want him doing with his girlfriend right now?” 
The whole Ryan Center halted; no one exhaled or drew in breath and the fidgeting ceased.  In that silent split second, for what seemed like hours, I became sick to my stomach.  In that short still instant everything snapped, like the sound of a ball hitting a bat.
It is logical.
I would not want him to be doing anything.  Just imagining it made the whole auditorium whirl in front of my eyes.
Jackie brought her husband on stage and their smiles were from ear to ear.  They had this glowing radiance about them, the way they gazed into each other’s eyes so intently like they were the only two in the room, even the way they cradled each other’s hand like it was the finest treasure that they would not give up for anything.  It was the perfect relationship I have only dreamt about. 
Jackie had won the game.
I grasped that I needed to be the person I desire to marry.  If I wanted to marry someone who made good moral decisions, I myself needed to make those same decisions. 
I took the chastity card they handed out and signed my name in big bubbly letters. 
I had stepped up to the plate.
In those five seconds it took me to scribble my name I was filled with an overwhelming calm.  All the anxiety I had about chastity was hoisted off of my shoulders and for the first time since I comprehended what sex was, I felt relief.
Jackie altered everything I knew, or thought I knew, about dating.  Double- dates turned out to be more enjoyable than I anticipated.  Being home alone was not an option anymore and having a chaperone in the house was the best idea.  Falling into peer pressure seemed to be no match against me and my play book. 
I no longer feel alone because I am one out of the millions who choose chastity.  I want to be a beacon of hope to others and help light their way in pure relationships.  I believe in saving myself for marriage.
I aspire to win the game just like Jackie.

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