When I met you in the Summer | Teen Ink

When I met you in the Summer

October 9, 2014
By mattg123 BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
mattg123 BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Summer was when I began to like you. We would talk off and on. Sometimes it felt like you didn’t want to talk. But that didn’t stop me from trying, soon we were talking everyday. Eventually you brought up going to church and wanting me to go with you. I said I would. I was nervous going to your house for the first time. I knew your mom liked me but I was worried what your dad would think. He liked me too and we talked about sports and how the teams will be this year. After that day I knew I had a chance with you. As the happiest of days went by I was thinking of ways to ask you out.The perfect idea came to me, I would get you a stuffed animal giraffe because it is your favorite animal.
I called Allie and asked, “Should I get a bouquet of roses?”
She replied with, “Maybe a bouquet is a little too much.” So I got you three roses in a purple vase because it is your favorite color. As I was walking through the store people would look at me and smile. Your sister had asked me when I was planning on asking you out, and i had no clue. She told me you said it would be cute if I asked you on the 12th because that’s our favorite number. So I went with that idea. The only problem with that day was that our football game was that night. And I didn’t want to ask you if we lost. So I decided to ask you in the morning.
As I came to school that day, I got nothing but “awwws” from people in the halls.
Mr. Martin even asked me, “Who’s your secret admirer?” I didn't know what to do with the roses so I put them in your locker,  and awaited your arrival. As you open your locker, i began to get nervous, hoping you would say yes.
You said, “How sweet someone got me flowers.” Then said, “Yes.” and a great big smile ran across my face. I was so happy. With your locker so cluttered I asked if you wanted me to put the roses in my locker. As I turned with them towards my locker I saw Allie's  face go from excitement to confusion. I explained how you said yes, and I was just putting them in a safe place. I was so happy you said yes, and still am!     

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