“The Hidden Life in Minecraft” | Teen Ink

“The Hidden Life in Minecraft”

November 18, 2014
By Korey Luebbert BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Korey Luebbert BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many awesome events, that had some kind of meaning, or effect on my future, have occurred in my life, one after the next after the next. I could never explain these occurrences, they all seemed so random and coincidental, but as more kept happening, it was as if opening presents on Christmas day. More and more knowledge of the events happening to me were being explained, and the events lead up to what is now. And now is a very good place for me.

    Let’s begin way back on Tower Chaos, a server for Minecraft. All of these events will take place in Minecraft, as shown by the title. I discovered this server by a Youtuber named SethBling, with a half of a million subscribers. When I got on this server, it was vacant, and I stuck around, waiting for visitors. I always thought, “Why does nobody ever get on?”

Well, one day, a player got on, and remarked, “This server used to be great, until it ran out of room. The owner had to make a new one, and it died off.” I never knew the server was famous. Around this time, a player named Trevcoo joined the server. He was different than the others, and he asked me, “Man, how long do you wait around, waiting for people to get on?” That was the first time anyone asked that. I didn’t know how to reply, but after that moment, the memories I had of that server got foggy. I can recall waiting, and waiting for newcomers with Trevcoo on my side, helping me out. We had a few good games, but it was exhausting to stand around doing nothing, and Trevcoo showed me a new server, named MegaCraft. We both agreed to leave Tower Chaos, and check out this new, in-the-making, vibrant server. Little did we know, a week after we left Tower Chaos, the server shut down. If we had decided against leaving, and not playing on the new server, MegaCraft, we would have never seen each other again.

    By the time Trevcoo and me starting playing MegaCraft, the wind was beginning to chill, and my jacket began to be less buried from inside the closet, as if calling to me. I was dreading school, the fact I’d be doing preposterous homework rather than playing! But I had no worries, for it was still summer vacation, and with all that spare time I had, I had gotten really attached to the MegaCraft community. The community was full of fun people that I got to know quickly. I could already start to feel myself never leaving this wonderful place. Through this server, I have learned that people would attract to me like a magnet. They told me I was funny to be around, I always made people laugh, yet knew when to be serious. Because of this discovery of myself, I worked on opening my attitude more like a flower in the summer, and got lots of recognition and friends. I later learned there was a forum page for the server, and I quickly became the most active member on it. I was the top poster as well, except for an excessive spammer who was above me, which is where I learned the description of annoying. About a month after joining the forums, July 6th, 2012, I got staff on the server. This was about the same time Trevcoo got staff, but staff made me widespread popular, and I was able to expand my friendships through doing staff favors to those who needed staff’s assistance, making me have well over 20 dedicated online friends, but it affected Trevcoo differently. He didn’t like staff. He started going in vanish mode, hiding from anyone, and trying not to be noticed by people in need. He became someone different, he became weird to be around. At this point, MegaCraft was who I am, and nothing would make me leave this ‘best place in the world’, it had hundreds of my goals, achievements, accomplishments, friends, and life records, and I wasn’t going to let Trevcoo ruin it for me. But, back to the friends I gained, one of the friends was DevilStuff. I met him through helping him build on his plot, and I liked his attitude, and he liked my humor, and what he was building was pretty dang awesome, and he became one of my best friends on the server. But all good stories have an ending, but the ending for MegaCraft was not so great. MegaCraft was failing. It was a depressing time for Minecraft, updates were slowed, everyone wanted the rumored update to come, but it wasn’t coming. It was taking too long, people were getting fed up. Around this time, Trevcoo left. That hurt me a lot, but I was not allow a loss of my friend take me down into a horrible, sad state. And after Trevcoo left, little did I know, that would be the last I saw him. I didn’t want this to happen to DevilStuff, so I urged him to get Steam, a gaming site, so I could communicate with him in case he ever left the server too. After he got Steam, I stopped panicking, and let the server fail. Around this time, the owner made a 2.0 for the server, and that brought MegaCraft from the shambles to the sun. I was fine with this, because I was still staff, but I still watched Youtube. And by doing that, I discovered a mod pack, Attack of the B-Team, through BdoubleO100, a half a million subscribed Youtuber. And that started my passion  for mod packs. Attack of the B-Team is a mod pack, a pack with several mods that add random fun features that kept me and my friends busy. 

    The snow was already melted, and warm weather was coming back, summer was almost here. The only friend I had left from MegaCraft, was DevilStuff. DevilStuff then told me about a friend he had, JaredIsAiah, and we became friends. It turned out he was from MegaCraft as well. So, I told DevilStuff and JaredIsAiah about Attack of the B-Team, and they were ecstatic, and DevilStuff. even decided to make a server. JaredIsAiah came along too, and because I was still in school at the time, in Conceptual Physics, I was able to meet a new friend named Jordan. I told Jordan all about Attack of the B-Team, and he became the first friend I had in real life who had a passion for Minecraft like I did. This was all because I had fun mod pack stories to talk about because of DevilStuff who coincidentally decided to make a server after I coincidentally met him after I got staff on a server we happened to both play on. Weird, I know, but it gets better. I later learned DevilStuff and JaredIsAiah had different time zones than me. To think, I had friends from across the globe. By the last month and a half of summer, the summer that came after the end of the school year I met Jordan, DevilStuff warned me of a one month vacation he would go on, unable to host his server for the duration. He also said he wouldn’t be able to use his steam. I was horrified, I thought this could be the last I saw him. But I remembered, the long forgotten MegaCraft forums, where I could still communicate with DevilStuff. Then I remembered the server I abandoned, and the people I left behind. I thought I failed my job as staff. This hit me hard, because I never showed up on MegaCraft for 2 solid months because the mod pack, so I decided that I would play MegaCraft while DevilStuff was on vacation. When I joined, it was a walk to the past. I remembered my friends, when I first got on, and all the things that happened to me. When I left for dinner, and came back online that day, I was demoted for inactivity, unlike what I was less than an hour ago. I couldn’t handle it. That was the last remnant I had from the old server, everything I had was gone, I was a nobody to everyone, and my memories became corrupted with hate, and I couldn’t play MegaCraft anymore. On that same day, I went server searching, and found a new server owned by Dred and Bl0x, and I showed DevilStuff. In less than a month, I showed prominent building talent I learned from the best on MegaCraft, and expressed my attitude and humor. This quickly lifted me through the ranks, and I got operator on the server, the highest possible gifted rank available. I was excited, absolutely dumbfounded. DevilStuff was even proud, however, JaredIsAiah was rarely on around this time, so he never saw me get op. After I was oped, it was nearing the end of DevilStuff’s vacation, and I was thrilled for the mod pack. I was thrilled, and I started talking to Dred and Bl0x about packs, and they talked of making a 24/7 server, unlike Devil’s temporary one that was open when he could.  At this point, by watching more Youtube, I lost interest in Attack of the B-Team, and by watching Etho, a one million subscribed Youtuber, I learned of the Crack Pack, a new mod pack, with more and better mods than Attack of the B-Team ever had. Just after DevilStuff got back from vacation, the server was up and running, a 24-7 Crack Pack server. We had lots of fun, there was plenty of mods to dive into, DevilStuff and I played on that server all the time for a few months. I even got the owners to add me as a friend on Steam so I could stay in touch. But they never got online. However, on the server, quite a bit of people played. Dred, Jordan, DevilStuff, me and even JaredIsAiah. Jordan and I started voice chatting at this time, and we have been doing it almost everyday since. One vague day, DevilStuff, JaredIsAiah and me were online, and we all got kicked when I was showing them something. The message said, “Server closed” - The same message I got when the owners shut down their vanilla server to start the Mod pack server. I was flooded with concern, and it only rose higher when DevilStuff and JaredIsAiah began to worry. The server was shut down the rest of the day, and never came back.

Yes, this is a very sad ending, but that shows you the things I had to go through in my life. It showed me who I wanted to be, and who I didn’t want to be, and it allowed me to gain friends across the globe. Minecraft meant more than a game to me, and it still does, these series of events happened one after another, each showing me a message, and replying to the message. It showed me a lot, but I always have to remember that Minecraft is still a game. But Minecraft is my past, and it molded me into who I am now.

The author's comments:

this is the second time i have submitted this, because it failed the first time.

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This article has 2 comments.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Nov. 8 2016 at 9:17 am
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

One last thing. I don't know if you're open-minded or anything, but you may want to break the very big paragraphs into smaller ones. That way, people would be more tempted to reading this.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Nov. 8 2016 at 9:14 am
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

Bummer... Kind of like how two unfortunate incidents in my life separated me from my friends. First my mom got herself a creepy boyfriend that scared me into never going to my friends' houses (and I just met them too), and then I had to move. I never saw them again ):