Poem Syntbesis | Teen Ink

Poem Syntbesis

October 30, 2015
By Callistah BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
Callistah BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All three poems seemed ordinary at first, but once I was able to take a deeper look at them and analyze them a bit, I saw a recurring theme amongst them.  They all talked about things occurring within life or life itself, it was interesting to see how each of them were trying to find answers or state questions that are unknown and a mystery to us all.  Within the first poem she says "why isn't green adequate to green", she wonders why certain things in the world are the way that they are.  These things are things you just can't explain yet, it's interesting because we all think this way.  We always want to know why.

There are so many mysteries to the world that are yet undiscovered.  Places such as the pyramids, ancient Egyptian mummifying, the Stonehenge and etc.  The way I interpret this message is that the Stonehenge is very mysterious for the modern man, and we don't understand how they were placed there.  The idea is somewhat inconceivable for us. We have tried to find and discover how the mysterious Stonehenge go there, it's very puzzling, and still not yet identified. "To a mystery involving people, but not the heat of people", people are intrigued and fascinated by this mysterious figure, yet we may not necessarily be the reason for its existence.

When thinking about life, it can be very philosophical, very complex, somewhat unclear.  The philosopher Zeno has a quote/ his arrow paradox: "When the arrow is in a place just its own size, it's at rest. At every moment of its flight, the arrow is in a place just its own size.  Therefore, at every moment of its flight, the arrow is at rest."  This paradox of his was bit tricky to comprehend right away, as it permeated through my mind as I dwelled on it, I began to realize that in movement, it's a series of things at rest, movement/time is an allusion, because we are always at one point in rest.  When he says " a race, can only be half finished", he's saying that no matter how fast you run or how close you think you are to the finish line, your just that much farther away from it.  Life is a never ending race that we can't finish. Life is the grander scale, we are all small specs compared to the entirety of life.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a series of poems about life.

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