Breaking Down and Building Up | Teen Ink

Breaking Down and Building Up

June 7, 2016
By WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

I was sitting there, up against the car, just behind the front wheel.  It was hot, but the shadow of the car and the breeze created by the passing vehicles provided some relief.  It was equally as jarring, however, because every time a car flew by, I was deathly afraid we'd be hit.  My dad told me not to worry, because the chances where low, but I couldn't stop thinking that, inevitably, it could happen.  I needed some support in that moment and somehow, even though I didn't say a word, my dad sat down beside me and started picking blades of grass.  I suppose he needed some support, too.  He was talking on the phone the whole time, to the towing company and then to my mom, but having him there was more than enough.  I put my headphones in, sat back against the cool metal, and stared at the swaying weeds in front of me, giving way to the woods.  I was especially drawn to the tiny leaves on some of the trees, flitting back and forth so fast they almost looked like twinkling stars.  It's funny how unexpected situations lead to enlightenment and strength in the bond between those who experience it, especially since I found a cute little caterpillar in the grass by the highway : )

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