Around My Wrist & in My Heart | Teen Ink

Around My Wrist & in My Heart

November 3, 2016
By Hannah.Lietaert BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Hannah.Lietaert BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear owner of my matching friendship bracelet,

As we got ready to leave that brisk November morning, I stood there in my mom’s warm embrace not wanting to let go. Even though it would only be 3 days, I knew I would miss her and the life I was leaving behind. After loading up the trunks with sleeping bags, luggage, the occasional air mattress, and toys for the kids, we all finally piled into the green, 15 passenger van that smelled of days old cologne paired with a slight hint of Tim Horton’s medium roast coffee. With the warm sun shining on us, we could feel His strong presence with us and we were ready to start our long journey to Welch, West Virginia.

While we continued traveling down the long, windy road, Pat, our driver, yells “We are almost there!!” over the loud music and complaints of nausea due to our path through the mountains. On the trip down, string was everywhere as I worked on friendship bracelets for the young girls I was hoping and praying to meet. As I look out the window, I am amazed. It looks like a scene pulled directly out of a devastating movie. It seems like a tornado ripped through this small town, leaving it in ruins, with no one to build it back up. The tiny houses lining the wrecked streets had equally tiny front yards filled with tons of damaged toys, bikes, and broken hearted children.

As I was preparing myself mentally, all I could imagine happening was me helping others. Me changing someone’s life. And then, I met you. You had this gloomy daze of sadness over your eyes as you sat there all alone waiting in line to get our old toys and clothes. You sat there, obviously malnourished, eating that steaming hot chili, enjoying every single bite. When you told me you hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, my heart shattered as I thought of every single thing I had eaten the past 24 hours, without even realizing it. You were wearing a torn graphic t-shirt and a faded pair of cotton shorts. As you sat there looking up at me, I saw something else, which I now know was the hope you found in the knowledge (you just received for the first time) that He holds your life.  

As we went through the both exhausting and fulfillingly long day, I could not stop thinking about you. You were so lonely and so excited that I was not only willing, but wanted to be your friend. As I tied on that pink and black knot bracelet, you promised me you wouldn’t take it off. In this single moment, you promised you wouldn’t forget that not only I loved you, but your heavenly father, God, loved you beyond words. You promised me that you wouldn’t let this world bring you down, you would find your joy in Him and only Him. Above all, you promised to be that light in your family and community’s life. You would use this friendship bracelet to remind you that you must love, since He loved you first.

I too made promises that I could hold myself accountable to by wearing this bracelet. It reminds me of my immense love for others. I promised to always put God first and to shine for the glory of God, not myself. I promised to not take everything for granted, like I so easily did before I met you. I promised to always seek opportunities to not only change others’ lives, but enrich my own. I never took it off until it fell off. Now, this beautiful knot friendship bracelet is beyond worn. The perfectly put together black and light pink symbol of love is fraying and no longer wearable. Every shower, every day at school stressing about homework and quizzes, every vacation, every high, every low, every complaint, it has been with me. It has been with me the whole year. Although the colors are completely faded, the experience will forever be vivid in my heart. This bracelet has shown me how amazing my life is compared to so many other people who are worried about not feeding their family while I am over here complaining about nothing. It has brought me anger, thinking about all of the kids who are told they aren’t worth anything or that they aren’t loved, because that could not be more untrue. It brings me guilt of all the things in my daily life I am not grateful for. One of my favorite quote  says “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” You reminded me how easy it is to be thankful for not only the big things, but the small things in life. Because of this bracelet, I can see the world differently. You showed me how something so simple (to me), like a friend, can be just what someone else needs to get through their day. I will always carry this beautifully worn-down bracelet with me to remember not only such a life-changing trip, but a life-changing relationship.

Oh, sweet girl, you changed my life, and for that I am forever thankful.
                                                                      With love forever,
                                                                                    Hannah Marie

The author's comments:

When assigned to write a paper on something we always carried on us and what it symbolized, I knew exactly what I wanted to write about! Missions trips have always been very important to me, and this is one of my favorite memories from an outreach to Welch, West Virgina.

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Marie said...
on Nov. 7 2016 at 11:08 am
Hannah this is so beautifully written giving all who read it inspiration and hope. God bless you for all you do on your missions trips, and in your mission in life.