The First Dance | Teen Ink

The First Dance

September 28, 2018
By sf133501 BRONZE, Hemet, California
sf133501 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You miss 100% of the shots you dont take

Breathe….in and out… She took a deep breath as she felt the icy fingers of fear crawl from the bottom of her back to the top of her spine. Every bone in her petite body shook, she knew that this was what she always wanted but she was afraid. Afraid of what though? She practiced a million times yet somehow in all the comotion she forgot how to tell her muscles how to move. Her normally tan skin had now turned an odd shade of white. As they called her name over the intercom she slowly walked away from the tender arms for her mother. Everything up until this moment was moving at lightning speed, however as she walked onto the red velvet stained floors of the stage, time stopped. The bright lights in her face and bouncing off her long brown hair told a story. They told the story of everyone who had ever stepped onto that stage.The screamed the names of those who failed, and those who were perfect. She could hear it all. The crowd chanting her name, the judges talking ever so quietly, the floors whispering their secrets. It was too much for her, and then it all went silent. She could hear nothing but her own heartbeat, then out of nowhere the lights dimmed. This was her moment  to show everyone who she was, it was time to tell her story.


With every beat her body flowed like water. She was a flame, untamed and free yet so at peace with herself . Her eyelids shielded her from the overwhelming amount of people watching her, but it was okay because she didn't need to see. She could feel every limb doing its job perfectly. Away with the rhythm she went as her mind left her body. This was her pouring out her shy heart to complete strangers using the fluency of dance. If there were ever a time where someone doubted her skills their mouth was quickly put to shame. As the music slowed to a stop her mind returned and she opened her eyes. The cowed was in awe and she walked off stage to the clapping and cheering of the crowd, for even the lights and floors were in too stunned to speak.

The author's comments:

This piece is something that was inspired by my nice. She is a young dancer and her boldness as well as her ditermination to get better at dancing truely inspired me. She pushes her limets everday and in doing so encourages me to always do my best. I hope for her to always know what her family thinks of her. She is a truly gifted dancer.

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