Letter to My Best Friend | Teen Ink

Letter to My Best Friend

October 11, 2018
By Sunrise15 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Sunrise15 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first day I laid eyes on you. We were in the park, you pushing your baby sister in the swing. Me drawing in the grass. you were perfect, almost like you walked right out of my dreams. Straight brown hair falling in those gorgeous green eyes, your black T-shirt making them look even prettier. I thought I was actually dreaming at first, but then I saw you at school the next day. When you spotted me sitting on the step you walked up to me and introduced yourself. I thought you had such a cute name. We were inseperable from that moment on. Do you remember when you first took me skateboarding? You held my hands as I rode slowly down a small hill. Everything was so perfect, until you had to go. I always knew you were to good to be true and that you would leave me eventually but I didnt think it would be until we were old. Silly of me right? I remember the day you told me, like it happened yesterday. We stood by my front door, you holding my face in your hands, wiping the tears from my face as I cried and you told me I was going to be ok and that you would visit me soon. You lied. Its been 2 years now and I havent heard from you. The day you were supposed to leave, I went to your house to say goodbye but you were already gone. All that was left was a note that said "I love you". Why did you get the chance to say it and not me? I heard your name on the news the other day. I cried when I found out what happened. When I called your parents they told me they found your phone laying on the side of the road. It had my name pulled up, They assumed you were distracted with trying to call me that you werent paying attention to the road and crashed. I blame myself everyday for your death. I love you forever.

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