The Outdoors | Teen Ink

The Outdoors

October 24, 2018
By 0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When my parent's generation went outside, they might be considered wild.  Their parents let them roam around with little supervision. They went to neighbors houses and played with friends.  They rode horses, caught tadpoles, rode bikes and swam in the rivers. They played tag, kickball and made forts. They climbed up trees, fell, skinned their knees, broke arms and played pranks on their friends.  They would leave the house at 8:00 a.m. and be gone, without their parents really knowing much about where they were, and what they were doing, until it was time to get home around 5:00 for dinner. They had no cell phone, no gps trackers, and really no organized sports until they were in high school.  They were wild.

Our generation is the opposite of wild.  We do not get to go outside as much as our parents did.  We would rather stay inside and watch television, play on ipads or phones.  If we did go outside, you know that our parents were right there with us. Probably playing catch with us, or showing us how to play basketball.  If there were friends over, it was because there was a scheduled play date, or maybe the next door neighbor might stop by. If we rode bikes around the neighborhood, it was probably with our parents or a babysitter.  We participate in sports, but they are organized, with formal practices, games, and schedules. We are not allowed to be wild. We can be wild only in closely watched and organized situations.

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