Baseball | Teen Ink


November 2, 2018
By zzaul123 BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
zzaul123 BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Big Papi, David Ortiz is the best Dominican player.  I admire him and he inspired me to play baseball. In 2016, the night Dominican Republic vs Puerto Rican is the first time I played baseball and it changed my life.

In the 2nd inning it was the tied 2 to 2,  My turn is close I was so nervous because all my family was there and yelling Zaul. My family was happy yelling zaul several time. The pitcher tried to scare me but in the first turn I  get my first homerun. I feels like David Ortiz.

Everybody looked at me like he’s so short how he get a homerun? The score’s 2 to 3 and no one scored again, so my team won. My family was happy. Because of this game I realized I want be a pitcher. My coach he’s my dad best friend  so they talk to me everyday about baseball. I know the pitcher need practice more than every player for be a pitcher you need to practice hard. Now every day I need practice to be better.

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