The Garage Debacle | Teen Ink

The Garage Debacle

November 8, 2018
By CultishDeer BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
CultishDeer BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*The year was 2013, it was late Spring, the air was full of smells and the sun was out. So naturally my friend and I were in my garage spray-painting some blocks of wood. Little did I know that I would soon have a brainwave that would lead to me learning one of the most important lessons of my life: never go to far for a joke. Well continuing with the story, Kan, my friend, was happily spraying away on his block when I outlined my plan,

“What if we spray painted the handle of my mom's bike so when she grabs it her hand will be wet,” I said. I was seven at the time, so it hadn’t occurred to me that the paint would most likely be dry when my mom next grabbed the handle.

“Why not!” proclaimed Kan. So we set to the work of spray painting my mom's bike handle when we were done the handgrip was thoroughly dank. I believe Kan stopped there but me, oh no I dug myself even deeper I spray painted the handles on both the gates, the column in the garage the stroller handle and even the underside of my mom’s car. When my mom found out to say that she was angry would be an understatement, she was furious, exacerbated, splenetic, and nettled. Kan and my mother had many conversations I, of course, claimed that it was all Kan and that I was completely innocent. Despite my protests and elaborate case for my innocence I was sentenced to two weeks with no playdates and one week with playdates only at my house under my mom’s scrutiny. I was ravaged, my dignity was being assaulted. Even now at 13 years old and at the height of maturity I still keep this lesson with me, and this lesson is of course that you should never spray paint stuff take a joke too far. I sincerely hope that no one else has to deal with something like this at our age… oh wait, graffiti. Well I was a little devil back then but I've gotten better now, seriously though never let a joke run away with you because the consequences could be disastrous.


*I don’t actually remember any dialogue so if you go back in time and watch this moment and then get mad at me for not being accurate then I will first congratulate you at making a time travel machine and then proceed to get very mad at you.

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