The Lonely Swan | Teen Ink

The Lonely Swan

December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

The silence. Until your call came like … honk, HONK, honk, Honk, HONK. Over and over again, while we just sat there writing trying to think about what to write. Then you came along. All I could think about was you. Like who are you and where are you.

Then I saw you floating magnificently without a care in the world. Just honking away. I don't know who you are calling, or what you are calling. I can only imagine; why were you all alone.

The way you floated so magnificently. Tall, strong, and beautiful.  I don't know who you are but your call was loud like an air horn. Yet so soothing at the same time.

The silent and not silent feeling is perfect. it made me feel like I belonged here,like nothing mattered here. Wherever here is. In the middle of a forest or at a lake. It didn’t matter. I don't know why but the noise is what attracted me. Love was here. With happiness and joy. Yet no more.

Something is missing.

You just floated, and called. When you called it had a purpose. A tone. A meaning. I just don't know it. I don't know why but something is missing, it just is. Is it the loneliness that you feel in your heart? Or the silence? The brisk coldness in the air? I just don't know anymore.

The trees move ever so slightly. Trying to guard you from us watching.  The trees protected you. Yet you have no care. Just floating along so beautifully. Yet so sad.  Your gracefulness in the water. Tall and poised. Trying to be brave and strong. But you shouldn’t.

It is clean and pure here. Your home. You can smell the purity in the air. So uninvaded. Yet there is sadness here. Why?

Alone. Just you here. Why? Where is your love. Your family. Where are they? Why are you all alone. It is so sad. The sadness you can feel on your skin in a brisk cold touch that would make you shiver.


I know how you feel. I felt that way when I lost my Grandpa. Everything was silent. All of our hope, and happiness was gone. Our family was torn. My Grandpa was everything to me. Nothing was the same after he died, it never will be.

He is gone. Why is it when you lose someone you love it feels like your life has ended? You feel no point of going on. He was your life.  Your happiness. Your joy. It is sadness that is controlling your life. Your love was titanium, stronger than anything.


It was a beautiful tall and magnificent swan. Tall and poised. Strong and beautiful.  Overcome by the sadness in your life. The sadness over the loss of your love. Your life. So strong and beautiful. Overcome by the sudden strength in your life. The strength to overcome the loss of your love.

You fly away.

Wings flapping to get the speed and the strength to fly. Wings. Hitting the water. With a force of a bass drum. Loud.  Sharp. On a beat. With a precision of someone trying to escape. Trying to be free. Strong and beautiful.

Flying free.  

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