The Next Big Thing | Teen Ink

The Next Big Thing

January 22, 2019
By charlid22 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
charlid22 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom is like the bread on my sandwich. I don’t really notice how much of a difference it can make if it is there or not. Everyone likes different types of bread. Some like wheat, white, and some even like 9 grain. Bread is the thing that holds a sandwich together just like my mom is what holds me together. If I am having a bad day, I can always go to my mom to talk to about it. If I have a bad day sometimes all it takes to turn it around is a good sandwich with really good bread. I’ve always known I would want to be the bread to my kids someday. In my future, I want to be a mom to four kids. Wanting to be a mom has to do with loving little kids and babies, always wanting kids, and being the perfect mom.

My whole life I have loved little kids, it didn’t matter what age they were as long as I could get my hands on them. At a young age, I started to babysit my cousins. First couple times was just the oldest one for a few short hours. My progression in babysitting led me to eventually watching four kids I had never met, all under the age of five and a four-month-old baby. There are those weird creepy people in stores that go up to babies they don’t know. Well, that’s me. If I see a cute baby in a store, I am going to go see it. Whenever somebody asks me what I want to do when I’m older I’ve never had a perfect answer. Going into peds is something I have always known I wanted to do.

Another big part of my life that I have always known is that I’ve always wanted kids. When I was little I had the biggest American Girl Doll collection any of my friends had ever seen. Playing and taking care of those dolls was my life. Twenty four seven they were glued to my side. Most kids like to play tag or colors. That was not my cup of tea. For me, playing house was the most entertaining thing I could ever do. I could play house from eight in the morning to eight at night. On one condition, I had to be the mom. For most kids, a blanket or a stuffed animal would calm them down if they were unhappy. Unlike most kids mine was the movie Baby Mama. For some reason, if I was upset this movie would do the trick. Seeing all those babies made me happy and wonder if I was going to be a perfect mom Tina Fey was wanting to be in that movie.

Of course, there is no such thing as perfect, but for different families perfect means different things. In any store where they have a baby section, there is bound to be adorable clothes in close sight. Once I see those clothes there is no stopping me. My mind is racing a hundred miles a minute, the “oohs” and the “awes” just keep coming. Until I realize I am fourteen and have quite a while before all of this is my reality. A girl can dream right, thinking about what my kid would wear to her first day of school or what I would put them in for our family pictures. My kids would definitely have the cutest clothes. It's a strange thing for somebody to be excited for but oddly enough, grocery shopping is one thing I can’t wait for in my adulthood. Having a list of what I exactly need and what my kids need for their lunch, sounds like heaven to me. Making lunches in the morning before I go to work and my kids having the best food. Not all that junk food either, the trendy organic stuff. Being a perfect mom is going to have to wait until it is really here though.

Loving little kids and babies, always wanting kids, and being a perfect mom are three reasons why I want to have four kids someday and become a mother. I have realized being a mom has never been something I doubted. Being a mom is something I always wanted and will become once I am ready. In all reality things change over time, so do people, and decisions as well but this is one I am sure of. All kids are different so they will all like different bread. I will be whatever kind of bread my kids need me to be. There are lots of things I am not sure of and lots of things I do not know. One thing I am sure of is being a mom someday.

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