Why Is Dystopian Literature Rising in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Rising in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By sjames28 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
sjames28 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered why people are so interested in movies and books about dystopias? Dystopias are a look into another lifestyle that seems “perfect”. But is it really perfect?

In today’s society we are so obsessed with everything being perfect through social media and technology,  so seeing these “perfect worlds” is something people enjoy. But are these “perfect words” really perfect? In the book Harrison Bergeron “A buzzer sounded in George's head. His thoughts fled in panic, like bandits from a burglar alarm” was stated. This is dystopian because the buzzer stops his freedom to think what he wants. In the story Harrison Bergeron "If I tried to get away with it," said George, "then other people's get away with it and pretty soon we'd be right back to the dark ages again”, was stated. This is an example of an dystopian because it’s not truly perfect and the people know that so they know everything isn’t actually perfect and they can’t do things different.

A reason why people could be so drawn to these movies, book, ect. That are all about “perfect” worlds is because It’s futuristic. People think it could happen. In Tenth Flag, “We've been redirected”, was stated. In this part the technology of the car redirected them. Technology is a big thing in our future. In The Veldt, “This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep played and sang and was good to them”, was stated. They don’t even have to do anything because there home has so much technology.

Dystopias are an escape of what life is really life. In Tenth with the Flag “women expected to struggle through forty uncomfortable weeks, drive to the hospital, and go through the rigors of labor with their babies’ entire future being a mystery. Boy or girl, no one knew. Healthy or ailing, no one could guess”, was stated. They are controlling what they can know about their own kids this is an example of  freedom of thoughts and control. This doesn’t happen in real life. In the story In the story Harrison Bergeron, “They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else”, was stated. This can be dystopian because if everyone's the same in my opinion that is not a good thing.

All in all, there are many reasons why people are so drawn into these stories. It’s all about the technology, having the insight of looking at another world, and the idea of “perfect” worlds. Next time you read or watch a book or movie of an dystopia try to think of why you are so drawn into it.

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