Life | Teen Ink


March 26, 2019
By Anonymous

life life is one of those things that we all get. some really live it but others really don't, I'm not saying that if you don't do big things you're not having a proper life but even the little things in life can change so much. in school you know me as the laughing kid but there's more in me than you think and there's more and everybody It's just sometimes you can't always see it. I love being around friends and family and some people have had some hard times with their relatives and that's all right just as long as you love them. the world can be a harsh place and sometimes bad things happen and sometimes great amazing things happen. I've only been alive for 12 years and I finally realized that every single person in this classroom in this school In this  Town in this County in this state in this country in this world and even in the universe you can change it, yes it does take some work but every single one of you can do it I can do it teachers can do it parents can do it everyone can do it, you just have to try and put all your effort in. there's one word that I think should not be used as much as it is. the word it's impossible. anything's possible yeah I know you'll say Go jump in the volcano naked and live. it may not be possible now but hey they could invent some suit some clear suit that would let you go in at high temperatures. impossible there's only one thing that's impossible and that is overcoming Mother Nature. back on the life track. many people in the past have done amazing things and even people alive with us today. I know y'all think that we hate school but if we didn't have school we  couldn't be amazing people. yes yes I know a bunch of the smart guys in the past didn't go to all the grades of school but this is the 21st century. We're Young and we have the right to live and be free and do what we want. I know that you think school hold you back from living but it doesn't it just makes you live a better life. everybody deserves a chance multiple chances even. some of you kids are just going to think of this as a stupid silly speech but it's true it's all true you can be the person you want you can do anything if you put your mind to it you can become anything you want but you have to put effort into it. you may find a cruddy person in life you just have to think though for a second they might be going through one of the hardest times in their life or they've been treated unfairly you get what you give and it's one of the truest things that you can find. everybody has rough times in life it's not like you can have the best day of your life everyday. maybe one day you hit a homerun during baseball practice and then the next day you only hit grounders that barely get out of the infield. you can't be perfect every day, but you can try, you can put every single drop of effort that you have and still not be perfect Nobody's Perfect but you can try as hard as you can put as much effort and work hard and you can overcome it. those hard days if you have enough effort and strength to overcome those days or months or years if you have  enough effort you can overcome any single thing you want. for some people it's harder to achieve things and then for others they're almost born with it. but that's the thing nobody's born with the talent they were introduced to it when they were young or they had someone who taught them really well yeah I know some say kids are born at playing football or playing a music instrument, Yeah maybe so They are born with a talent. I know a kid who was really good at something but he didn't really enjoy doing it I'm not going to say the name but it was kind of inspiring in a way. so going back on the bad days, if you know someone that's being treated unfairly or has had some rough times at home or with family or loved ones Comfort them make them happy and the universe it will always repay you back in a way it's not like you're going to get a giant reward like win $1000000 but sometimes it just gives you the little things like you get an A+ on a test or you hit a homerun for your first time during a baseball game, it may just be luck but it also might be the universe trying to repay you for what you did. I love baseball I love building Legos, some people love playing video games some like playing every sport some like playing just one sport and some just like to draw and read but all those things can lead to a fantastic life. everything we do everything we see everything that we feel everything that we touch all of our senses that's what gives us emotion sometimes it's good emotion and sometimes it's not the best emotion and sometimes is complete suicide. when people have bad days like really bad day They sometimes want to kill themselves or die at one point in my life I felt the same way but then I help someone and the next day every time someone threw the football at me I would catch it, usually I'm not that good but the universe it gave me something that I didn't have before and every person can do that just even helping someone up if they fallen or help someone up if they tripped or if someone was being mean to them Comfort them try to make them feel happy and not Rundown. a lot of people don't think about their life they just focus on what's in the future what's going to happen next what am I going to become, do this for me close your eyes and think for a second think about what you want to do to help someone or Comfort or even helping yourself is good. every time you do that the universe is going to repay you in some little way the bigger things you do the bigger reward but then there are those people who get lucky the luck of the draw. life life can be complicated life can be hard Life can break you down but when that happens you just have to get right back up and keep on living and never give up always go for your dreams and once you reach your dream think of another one dream of another one and keep on working to those of Dreams. finally once you start to get older and less agile keep dreaming keep living. I've heard of a person who was 100 years old and flew a plane because he loved it that was his true dreamed be a pilot. when you're old and gray won't be for a long time but for my generation at least, you don't have to stop your dreaming there you can keep on living as long as you want you just have to put the effort in and try and do everything in your power to do it. life The NeverEnding Quest when you die who knows what happens after that many people have their opinions on that. I just want you to know that you may be a bad person when you start off but you can always become a good person and you can always rethink your life. life it's a gift, it's one of those gifts that nobody can give you but it's given.When you get a life live it don't let anything stand in the way work hard be nice put effort into it try hard and never give up if you do all those things you can be one of  those people that do amazing things so just remember leave your life. you have a life live it.

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