The Importance of Family | Teen Ink

The Importance of Family

April 24, 2019
By bsprague03 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
bsprague03 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Family is one thing that we cannot choose, but I am very blessed to have been given mine. Every year my whole family of approximately 40 people get together for one week and go to the beach. My family is so close that I look forward to this event all year long. There is never a dull moment with my family, even when we were forced to stay inside the whole week last year due to Hurricane Cindy. My whole family watched an endless amount of movies, played card games for hours and hours, and even played Just Dance on the Wii. My family is so special in the sense that we genuinely appreciate each other, whether young or old. We love each other even in the midsts of a disagreement or a fight. We cousins get along so well that we often have movie nights where we all get together at one of our houses and watch a movie. We also regularly meet up at my grandmother’s house and play Liverpool. I, along with the rest of my younger cousins,  look up to the older cousins. They teach us so much about life and help me whenever I am in a difficult situation. I know that I can always depend on them for support and love whenever I need it. I love everything about my family, even the little things that I sometimes do not necessarily like. I love attending my school  because I get to see my cousins everyday. We all share a special bond that I would not trade for the world. When one person is hurting, we all are hurting, and we do everything we can to stop their pain. I thank God everyday for blessing me with the most caring, loving, and supportive family.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my family and how much they mean to me. While writing this, I realized that family comes first. Always. I hope this helps you come to the same relization.

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