We all Have a Purpose | Teen Ink

We all Have a Purpose

May 15, 2019
By mcmorale27 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
mcmorale27 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone had a purpose in life that they will eventually find that will make them happy in life. You might feel like there is nothing for you, but you just have to keep going you’ll eventually find what makes you happy. I Believe that everyone has a purpose in life even if it might take some time for you to find it.

I reason I believe this is because I see it in my mom and how she found something that she love to do. My mom has worked a couple of jobs before she found what she enjoys and likes to do. Before my mom found the job that she likes she used to work at a little dinner for awhile, while I was younger. And then for a time I remember my mom working at a resort, and then she would go to work for my Dad and handle all of his business paperwork. Then my mom finally found the job that she enjoys and that's being a dental hygienist. It took her awhile to get to this job, but she finally got it. She shows me that I have a purpose and that i will find what make me happy and what I enjoy.

With seeing this from my mom I believe that even if it take some time I will find my purpose in life. I know that everyone has a purpose, that there something out there for everyone, that we are meant for something in life. You need to be able to have some patience it might take some time till you find what make you happy and what you enjoy. I Believe that everyone has a purpose in their lives, even if it take a little while for them for find it you eventually will. 

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