Fried Jalepenos | Teen Ink

Fried Jalepenos

May 20, 2019
By Anonymous

Are you actually going to read about fried jalapeños like it’s a normal thing? Yes. Yes you are. Well, it was a fine summer day and my family and I were invited for a cook out that evening at a family friend’s house. I got super excited because I got to drive all the way their house. So, we left the house around 5:00 PM and drove all the way to Des Plaines. We went in, said our hellos and I went and hung out with their kids, Hailey and Nicholas. Mind you, the adults were getting the food ready and so I had to wait. An hour later, they called all of us to the table outside and we said our prayers and the evening began. I put almost everything they had on my plate, from meat to potatoes, to the salad, to this brie cheese bowl-thing and finally the beloved fried jalapeños. I sat down and indulged all the meat and salad and whatnot until I had left was the jalapeños and some of the cheese. It was time. Time for me to finally try (for the first time) fried jalapeños. I took a bite and I got introduced to this wonderful flavor of spiciness and cheese and fried crust. It was quite a tasteful bite and so I ate the rest of them with the brie cheese. It was flavor heaven. Everything just fit in the right place. I finished and hung out with all the adults there and we cracked jokes and I heard all the latest adult gossip. I can say that I had a great evening. And so, you have now heard about my fried jalapeño story. That’s normal right?  

The author's comments:

Hi there! My name is Dora Baciu and this piece is about fried jalapenos. I know it sounds random but it was written for my English class and I decided to submit it here to give it a shot at being read by others. I also now like fried jalepenos very much.

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