The Big Hunt | Teen Ink

The Big Hunt

May 24, 2019
By Kayliturner BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayliturner BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Saturday night August 12, 2015, is when it all changed. Walking into my house along with my little brother after getting dropped off by a family friend. Our family friend Aaron was sitting there with his girlfriend on the couch. I could just feel the excitement leaping from my body with every step I took. He was my favorite however, I didn't know that there was an extra, his girlfriend Hannah. After we met I was happy, she liked to color and she had even brought a jumbo coloring book to my house along with a huge bag of markers. I was in heaven, then I finally noticed the alcohol bottle sitting out. Was I worried? No, he was of age and all seemed fine, later that night though it would all change.

My dad had gotten home around 6:30 so I had gone upstairs to get ready for bed, that's when I heard the yelling Aaron, had drunk too much and was sick in the bathroom. Hannah tried to help but he got very irritated, I witnessed him shove Hannah against the wall and almost fall down the stairs. That's when a shiver of fear went through my body, thinking I should tell my dad but got scared that Josh would yell at me. So casually I went in my room but then heard more yelling, this time it was Hannah.

My dad had been outside at the time so I slipped out the door of my room and headed for the door to outside. Hannah saw me and we made eye contact, I could see the fear in her eyes as she was with Aaron . I knew I had to then tell my dad, so that's exactly what happened next. My dad went into the house and talked with Josh and Hannah it all seemed fine, the silence filled the house almost to the point where you could hear a pin drop. They all went outside to pack Hannahs car for her to drive them back, Josh didn't like that idea and he started to get very angry. At this point, I could hear all three of them yelling from inside. Now I'm getting scared.

I hear fighting and look out the window from upstairs there Hannah was pinned between Aaron and the camper. I was so scared I felt like a statue, could not move one inch even though I wanted to do something so bad to help, there I stood. Then I saw my dad shove Aaron to the ground, I was relieved for a small moment. The moment wasn't very long Josh then got up and came after my dad, Hannah got in the house and my dad soon to follow after. There are so many thoughts in my head: is Josh going to kill Hannah ? would he hurt me and my brother or even my dad? I didn't know what to think. The next moment we are all in the house. Safe? Not a chance he knows our password to the house. My dad frantically calling 911 and trying to barricade the door, now I'm in total panic mode as I know, and am hearing josh threaten us all. Saying he's going to kill us if we don't let him in the door.

A little while later I hear the sirens and cop after cop pulling into our house. That feeling is crazy it's like feeling your own blood flow through your body after all the cops were in the driveway soon find out that there's K-9’s. The one dog came into our house and searched for Aaron’s smell while the other one is out searching. Once the entire house was searched top to bottom after it was cleared we were questioned. That is one of the things that I found weird, they are trying to keep you calm while asking you what was he doing earlier that night. It's really hard to stay calm during that and hearing what is happening outside, I heard his radio go off saying the helicopter had arrived and they were searching the corn fields. That's when it sinks in, this is a big deal and 4 peoples lives are on the line from this one person. While I was scared earlier I'm frightened now every noise the 100-year-old house made, every creek, and every crack I jumped with fear.

What seemed like hours upon hours passing they found him. Where was he? In the back of Hannah's car which was cleared and ready for her to go home just five minutes before. What would have happened if she went into that car with him? went over and over in my head. I've now realized that you need to stick with your gut feeling and listen to what people say. Not all of what they are saying is important but some key things are. When I was being questioned that what I realized. That Saturday night had changed my life and gave me a “cool” story to tell.

The author's comments:

This event taught me a lot!

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