Carpe Diem | Teen Ink

Carpe Diem

September 11, 2019
By laylaevenfall BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
laylaevenfall BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the night flourished, the sky became a canvas with each of its shades of blue giving a touch of imagination. The heat which, at day, wafted through the air became a breeze which now cooled the air, with its briskness giving a touch of excitement. After a day of walking amongst dinosaurs, touring through ancient passages, shopping at Diagon Alley, touring through the grounds of Hogwarts, and strolling through the streets of Hogsmeade, we awaited what odyssey or adventure came next. The month was August, and our vacation as a family took place at Universal Studios, Florida. While I took in the sights and sounds of the park, I twirled the new wand I would use for a new year at Hogwarts. While I chatted with Apollo, my older brother, we dared each other to taste another piece of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. I popped a piece that had the color of chocolate, but to my surprise made me grimace and cough at the taste of dirt. I relieved myself by taking a sip of Butterbeer and indulging in a taste I describe as a combination of butterscotch and root beer.

We were overcome with exhilaration with every step we took, having spotted our next quest. A flashing of lights that glimmered against the sky caught our attention. There stood a track with each of its coasters leading into the sky like rockets, hence its name—the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit. When one of the coasters reached the highest peak before the first drop, we watched in awe when the coaster tilted, moments later to come plummeting out of the sky and plunging into a vertical drop. Then the coaster was flung into the sky once more for a loop and was tossed down in a flip. The breeze patted my hair and I stared ahead in exasperation. When another coaster could be seen getting ready for launch, I watched the passengers stepping into the coaster.

Apollo tapped my shoulder and said ‘Diana’, about to ask if I’m riding this roller coaster. I was doubtful, but I cringed at that alternative of missing out—I was ready to seize the day and have a blast! So I said ‘yes’.

Before I knew it, there I was—standing in line with my heart pounding like the drum of a marching band and with chills spreading to the tips of my fingers. I knew not what came next. My nerves made me say ‘no’ in my head, but within them came the very impulse that made me say ‘yes’ aloud.

Before I knew it, there I was—sitting in the front row of the coaster and clutching the handle bar with a firmness of grip. Next to me sat Apollo looking smug and he saw me looking stunned—stunned, but with a hint of a smile. When the coaster started up, I jumped back startled and I closed my eyes instinctively. When the coaster reclined, I laid back and I opened my eyes only to see the sky with its shades of blue and the clouds with their mistiness like a crystal ball predicting doom. When the coaster climbed up… up… up… into the clouds, I grasped the handle bar and my hands turned pale. Upbeat music played in the background and for a while it lessened the seriousness of the scene. When the coaster leveled itself, I looked down at the rest of the park and I looked down at my own feet which hovered on a platform in midair. When the coaster reached the climax, I braced myself for the infamous drop and when it came, I found myself falling from the edge of the clouds and being cast out of the heavens like a falling star. I felt the sensation of falling, as if every second was being stretched and as if my essence were being ripped apart from my body. But all of it came to an end when I found myself flying—soaring like a shooting star through the park. In the midst of my flight, I threw my hands into the air. I found myself not screaming from fright, but squealing from delight or calling out from triumph. I was seizing the day and having a thrill at the theme park!

After a few minutes, we stand and point, glancing at the roller coaster and declaring we ride again.

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