Wonder | Teen Ink


October 10, 2019
By GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My friends and I go on a run on the bugline path in Merton on a fall October evening enjoying the cool breeze on our skin as we sweat away. One minute we’re blanketed in shade from the wondrous trees. Then suddenly the trees go away and the sun is drenched all over our bodies shining on us like a flashlight. The temperature is perfect, sunny, slight breeze, not too hot and not to cold. Realizing the abandoned railroad tracks of to the side, wondering how busy and loud those tracks used to be unlike the quiet, relaxing sounds we hear on our run. Our feet feeling pain step by step as we run along the path, embracing the tall grass swiftly moving around moves our focus to that instead of the pain. Rain droplets from last nights storm dripping on us from the trees above.

Suddenly there is a group of sandhill cranes that stop us in our tracks. They were in our way and blocking the path so we scared them away with vicious claps and sounds. The sounds of crickets and the wind was like music to our ears. Strolling along embracing the wide array of green around us. Having to stop after the three mile mark we turn around and head back hoping we witness even more on the journey back to the start. 

All of a sudden there was a frog that bounced out of oblivion and landed on my friend. He jumped like a baby and scared it off of him. Every breath I take was like a pillow of fresh air for my lungs. Taking in the deep sea of green from the trees and grass glistening across our eyes made our run all that more enjoyable. The birds were chirping melodies as we ran by wondering what they were saying. With each step beng harder and harder it was nice to focus on nature and all the wonders it brings.

We enter the same area of shade at the beginning of our run meaning that our run was almost at the end. It didn't even feel like that long of a run, yet we were running for an hour. All of the wildlife, plants and colors that we witnessed was refreshing for our minds and was just what we needed. As we come to the end of the run we hope that we can experience that great moment of nature once again.

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