Incoming | Teen Ink


October 14, 2019
By cookie06 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
cookie06 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Today was the first day of eighth grade and the first day of the dance season. I wasn’t nervous at all, since I was one of the smartest girls in the school and an amazing dancer. I walked out my door and towards the school. It was a beautiful day, which made the walk nice. I was going through all of my classes in my head as I entered my first class. I was excited when I saw a lot of my friends and people I already knew, but I did notice someone new in the class. She was sitting in front of the room and everyone was surrounding her. I sat down in a seat and asked my best friend, Samantha,“Who’s the new girl?”. “Her name’s Riley”she responded, “She just moved from England”. I thought in my mind how hard it must be for her to be in a new school and even in America in general.
   Throughout the day, Riley was the star of the school. I used to be the one everyone was talking about. Even after school, I noticed that she was on my dance team. We started learning our dance that day and my dance teacher kept putting her in the front in most of the formations. I was starting to become jealous of her since it seemed like she was trying to take my place. I’ve always strived to become the best and someone everyone liked, but ever since she came, I’ve been trying too hard that people are starting to ignore me. Even Samantha was becoming Riley’s friend.
   During the rest of the month, I was trying not to show envy towards Riley, but I couldn’t help it. Everyone knew that I didn’t like her. I started getting so mad that I tried to let it out by writing anonymous, rude letters to her and slipped them into her locker. After a while, I started receiving letters in my locker. I was guessing they were from Riley since the writing looked like her handwriting. The weird thing about the letters was that they didn’t have any threats or rude things written on them...they were kind notes. I stopped writing mean notes to Riley because my envy towards her somehow disappeared.
   A couple months later, I was in the bathroom washing my hands. Riley walked in right when I was grabbing my binder and book off of the floor. Before I walked out, Riley declared, “Wait!”. “I have never really talked to you, have I?”. I was surprised she was talking to me and even knew my name. It was weird hearing an accent in her voice. I turned around and looked at her. We stood there in complete silence for awhile before she whispered, “I know you were the one who put the notes in my locker.” I stood there facing her with a nervous look on my face. “I’m not mad at you,” she said. “I’m just wondering why you did it.” I answered back in a soft voice, “Before you got here, I was the one getting most of the attention and I loved it! When you came, I just got jealous of you because you’re so perfect and everyone loves you.”She exclaimed with excitement, “I am totally jealous of you! You are like my role model!” We both laughed and became friends in that moment.
   At the end of the year, we held a sleepover at my house with a few of both of our friends. We ate banana splits and pizza and watched a movie. We then stayed up until midnight and had a blast! From that night on, we hung out almost every weekend.

The author's comments:

This was made for an assignment for class.

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